Hvac Maintenance/ Service Contract

HVAC Maintenance/ Service Contract

This HVAC Maintenance/Service Contract ("Contract") is entered into between [Client Name], located at [Client Address], ("Client"), and [Your Company Name], located at [Your Company Address], ("Contractor"), effective as of [Effective Date].

I. Services

The contractor agrees to provide comprehensive HVAC maintenance and servicing to the Client's HVAC systems located at [Address], by the terms and conditions outlined in this Contract. Services to be provided include, but are not limited to:

  • Regular inspections and preventive maintenance

    Scheduled visits to assess the condition of HVAC systems, identify potential issues and perform necessary maintenance tasks to prevent breakdowns and optimize performance.

  • Cleaning and sanitization of ductwork and air handling units

    Thorough cleaning and disinfection of ducts and air handling units to remove dust, debris, and microbial contaminants, ensuring improved air quality and system efficiency.

  • Testing and calibration of thermostat and control systems

    Verification and adjustment of thermostat settings and control systems to ensure accurate temperature regulation and efficient operation of HVAC equipment.

  • Replacement of worn-out or malfunctioning components

    Identification and replacement of worn-out or faulty components within HVAC systems to prevent system failures and maintain optimal performance.

  • Emergency repair services are available 24/7

    Immediate response to HVAC emergencies, including breakdowns, malfunctions, or safety issues, with round-the-clock availability for rapid repair and restoration of system functionality.

  • Energy efficiency assessments and recommendations

    Evaluation of HVAC systems to identify opportunities for improving energy efficiency, including recommendations for equipment upgrades, system optimization, and energy-saving practices.

  • Indoor air quality testing and improvement measures

    Assessment of indoor air quality parameters such as pollutants, humidity levels, and ventilation rates, followed by implementation of measures to enhance air quality through filtration, ventilation, and humidity control strategies.

II. Service Schedule

The parties shall agree upon a mutually acceptable service schedule, specifying the frequency and timing of maintenance visits. The contractor shall provide the Client with advance notice of scheduled visits and any necessary rescheduling due to unforeseen circumstances.

III. Payment

Client agrees to pay Contractor the sum of $X for the initial term of this Contract, payable Monthly in advance. Payment shall be made via electronic bank transfer. Additional services requested by the Client beyond the scope of this Contract shall be billed separately at the prevailing rates agreed upon by both parties.

IV. Term and Termination

This Contract shall commence on the Effective Date and shall remain in effect for 12 months unless terminated earlier by either party with 30 days written notice. Either party may terminate this Contract for material breach by the other party if such breach remains uncured after a 14-day cure period following written notice.

V. Warranty

The contractor warrants that all services provided under this Contract shall be performed in a professional manner and under industry standards. The contractor further warrants that all materials used in the performance of services shall be of good quality and free from defects. Any defects discovered within [Warranty Period] following completion of services shall be promptly corrected by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Client.

VI. Insurance

The contractor agrees to maintain adequate insurance coverage, including general liability insurance and worker's compensation insurance, throughout the term of this Contract and provide proof of insurance upon request by the Client.

VII. Governing Law

The laws of [State] will govern and interpret this Contract. Any conflicts or issues connected to this Contract will be settled through arbitration in [City], [State] according to the American Arbitration Association's procedures.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the Effective Date first above written.

[Company Representative Name]

[Client's Name]

Contract Templates @ Template.net