Hvac Yearly Service Contract

HVAC Yearly Service Contract

This HVAC Yearly Service Contract ("Contract") is entered into between [Service Provider Name], with a principal place of business at [Service Provider Address], hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider", and [Client Name], with a principal place of residence at [Client Address], hereinafter referred to as the "Client".

I. Services

The Service Provider agrees to perform the following services as part of this contract:

  1. Inspection of HVAC Systems

    The service provider will carry out a thorough inspection of the client's HVAC systems, examining their operational efficiency and upkeep, and checking for any potential wear, leaks, or damage.

  2. Cleaning of HVAC Components

    The Service Provider will ensure optimal performance of the HVAC systems by cleaning various components such as filters, coils, and ductwork to remove dust, dirt, debris, and allergens that can obstruct airflow, impede heat transfer or cooling capacity, and reduce efficiency, thus improving indoor air quality.

  3. Lubrication of Moving Parts

    Moving parts within the HVAC systems, such as motors, fans, and bearings, require proper lubrication to reduce friction and prevent premature wear. The Service Provider will apply lubricants as necessary to ensure smooth operation and extend the lifespan of these components.

  4. Testing and Calibration of HVAC Controls and Thermostats

    The Service Provider has pledged to perform calibration on the HVAC systems to guarantee both their temperature precision and efficiency. This involves a thorough review of the HVAC controls, after which the settings will be appropriately adjusted to improve exactness and optimize overall efficiency.

  5. Replacement of Worn-Out or Defective Parts

    If during the HVAC inspection, any components are found defective, the Service Provider will suggest a replacement. Any necessary parts will incur extra charges, with client approval being required before replacement.

II. Frequency of Service

The Service Provider shall perform the above services annually, with visits scheduled semi-annually. Two maintenance visits will be conducted each year, approximately six months apart. The first visit will take place in [insert month], and the second visit will occur in [insert month]. This scheduling ensures that the HVAC systems receive regular attention and maintenance to maintain optimal performance throughout the year.

III. Service Fees

The Client agrees to pay $500 annually for the services provided under this contract. Payment shall be made annually in advance, with the full amount due upon signing of the contract renewal. The Client will receive an invoice for the upcoming year's services thirty (30) days before the contract renewal date. Payment should be made by electronic and must be received by the Service Provider before the commencement of the new contract term

IV. Term of Contract

This Contract shall commence on [insert start date] and shall continue for one year. The contract will automatically renew for subsequent one-year terms unless terminated by either party with 30 days written notice before the end of the current term.

VI. Termination

Either party may terminate this Contract upon written notice if the other party breaches any material provision of the Contract and fails to remedy such breach within 30 days after receiving written notice of the breach.


The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages arising from the Client's failure to properly maintain the HVAC systems or from acts of God, natural disasters, or other events beyond the Service Provider's control.

VIII.Insurance and Licensing

The Service Provider herewith makes a representation and gives a warranty that it possesses the rightful licenses and insurance coverage, which are necessary to perform services related to Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC). This is following all the laws and regulations that are applicable in this context.

IX. Governing Law

The terms and conditions within this Contract will be supervised and interpreted according to the laws of the specified jurisdiction, [insert jurisdiction], under which this contract falls.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.



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