3 Month Contract


This Three-Month Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into on [DATE], by and between [Your Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Provider"), located at [Your Company Address], and [CUSTOMER'S NAME] (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer"), located at [CUSTOMER'S ADDRESS].


1.1 Commencement of Contract

This Contract shall commence on [START DATE] and shall continue until [END DATE] unless terminated earlier according to the provisions outlined herein.

1.2 Renewal

Upon mutual agreement between the Parties, this Contract may be renewed for additional terms of three months each. Renewal terms, including any changes in Services or payment terms, shall be discussed and documented in writing before the end of the current term.

1.3 Termination

Either Party may terminate this Contract by providing [NOTICE PERIOD] written notice to the other Party. In the event of termination, the Customer shall pay for all completed Services up to the termination date. Termination shall not relieve the Parties of any obligations accrued or arising before the termination date.


The Provider agrees to provide the following services (hereinafter referred to as the "Services") to the Customer:

  • [Service 1 Description]

  • [Service 2 Description]

  • [Service 3 Description]

The Provider shall perform the Services with diligence, expertise, and in compliance with industry standards.


The Customer agrees to pay the Provider the total amount of [TOTAL AMOUNT] for the Services rendered. Payment shall be made in full on or before [PAYMENT DUE DATE]. Payment methods, currency, and any applicable taxes or fees shall be as agreed upon by both Parties.

3.1 Late Payments

In the event of late payment, the Customer shall be liable to pay interest at the rate of [INTEREST RATE]% per month on the outstanding amount until fully paid. The Provider reserves the right to suspend Services until all outstanding payments are settled.

3.2 Expenses

Any expenses incurred by the Provider in connection with providing the Services shall be reimbursed by the Customer upon submission of valid receipts and documentation. Expenses may include but are not limited to travel, materials, and third-party services directly related to fulfilling the obligations under this Contract.


4.1 Termination for Cause

Either Party may terminate this Contract immediately upon written notice if the other Party commits a material breach of any provision of this Contract and fails to remedy such breach within [CURE PERIOD] days of receiving notice thereof. Material breaches may include but are not limited to non-payment, failure to deliver Services as per agreed specifications, or violation of confidentiality obligations.

4.2 Effect of Termination

Upon termination of this Contract, the Customer shall pay for all completed Services up to the termination date. Any outstanding payments or obligations shall survive the termination of this Contract, including but not limited to confidentiality, indemnification, and dispute resolution provisions.


Both Parties shall maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or confidential information disclosed during the term of this Contract and thereafter. Confidential information includes but is not limited to trade secrets, business strategies, client information, and intellectual property.


This Contract shall be governed by and construed under the laws of [LAW OF JURISDICTION]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through good-faith negotiations between the Parties.

6.1 Dispute Resolution

If no resolution is reached through negotiations, the Parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [NAME OF JURISDICTION] for resolution. The prevailing Party in any legal action or proceeding shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees and costs.


This Contract constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties concerning the subject matter herein and supersedes all prior agreements, discussions, and representations, whether written or oral. Any amendments or modifications to this Contract must be made in writing and signed by both Parties to be valid.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]


Contract Templates @ Template.net