Private Music Lesson Contract

Private Music Lesson Contract

This Private Music Lesson Contract ("Contract") is entered into on this day [Date], by and between [Teacher's Name], residing at [Teacher's Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Teacher") and [Student's Name], residing at [Student's Address], (hereinafter referred to as the "Student").

I. Lesson Details

  • The Teacher agrees to provide private music lessons to the Student.

  • Subject of lessons: Piano, Guitar, Violin, Voice, Jazz, Classical.

  • Frequency: Twice a week.

  • Duration: 1 hour.

  • Location: In-person at the Student's home.

II. Payment Terms

  • The total cost of lessons is $200 per month.

  • Payment schedule: Monthly in advance.

  • Payment method: Methods of payment via Bank transfer.

  • Late payment fee: $10 per late payment.

III. Cancellation Policy

  • It is incumbent upon the student to give the appropriate Notice Period in advance if they wish to cancel or reschedule their lessons. The Notice Period could refer to any amount of time specified, such as a 24-hour notice, a 48-hour notice, or a full week's notice.

  • If you are unable to attend any of your scheduled lessons, you have the option of rescheduling them. However, this is entirely dependent on whether there is availability at another time in the schedule.

  • If lessons are canceled and less notice than the specified Notice Period is given, it is possible that a refund or a rescheduling may not be provided. For example, if lessons are canceled with less than 24 hours' notice, it is possible they may not be refunded or rescheduled.

IV. Expectations

4.1 The Teacher agrees to:

  • Ensure you provide lessons that are structured and specifically tailored to suit the individual skill level and specific goals of the student.

  • Provide feedback that is constructive and also offer guidance with the primary aim of helping the student to make consistent progress in his or her learning journey.

  • As an educator, it is crucial that you respect the pace at which each student is capable of learning, and you should also take into consideration their personal preferences concerning their learning experience.

4.1 The Student agrees to:

  • Ensure that you arrive at your lessons on time and ensure that you are fully prepared, bringing with you all the required materials that are necessary for each lesson.

  • Between the learning lessons, make sure that you are practicing regularly to reinforce the knowledge and skills you have acquired.

  • You must appreciate and respect the expertise that the Teacher holds in their field of study, also, you must follow the instructions they provide to fully understand and learn the topic at hand.

V. Materials

  • It is the responsibility of the student to undertake the task of purchasing all necessary materials required for their course of study, including but not necessarily limited to, textbooks, sheet music for musical studies, and any instruments that may be required for their chosen field of focus.

  • It is a possibility that the Teacher can suggest or recommend particular resources or materials if and when they are deemed necessary.

VI. Termination Clause

According to the conditions stipulated in this Contract, either party has the right to end it, provided they give adequate notice as outlined in the Notice Period. It should be stressed that, in the event of termination, the Student is entitled to a refund for any lessons paid for in advance but not yet conducted by the date of termination.

VII. Liability Waiver

The Student understands and agrees to the inherent risks involved with participating in music instruction, which could potentially lead to dangerous situations. The person identified as the Teacher, delivering these music lessons, will not be held responsible, answerable, or liable in any situation for any injuries, damages, or other harmful impacts that might arise or become evident during the music lessons.

VIII. Confidentiality

Both parties involved in the lessons have come to a mutual agreement that they will exercise diligence and prudence in maintaining the confidentiality of any personal or proprietary information that may be shared or disclosed throughout these lessons.

IX. Governing Law

This Contract is expressly meant to be governed by, and its interpretation determined by the laws and regulations of the State or Country that has been specified.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.

[Teacher's Name]

[Student's Name]

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