Music Performance Contract

Music Performance Contract

This Music Performance Contract (“Contract”) is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Your Band Name], having its principal place of business at [Your Band's Address] (the “Artist”), and [Organizer's Name], having its principal place of business at [Organizer's Address] (the “Organizer”).

I. Event Details

  • Date of Performance: [Date]

  • Time of Performance: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

  • Venue: The Starlight Lounge, 456 Oak Street, Springfield, IL, 62701

II. Performance Description

The Artist has committed to delivering a captivating live performance featuring acoustic music. Throughout the performance, they will conduct two sets. Each of these sets will be filled with engaging tunes and they will have a duration of 45 minutes each.

III. Compensation

  • Artist Fee: $800

  • Payment Schedule: 50% due upon signing, remaining 50% due on the day of the performance

  • Additional Expenses: The Organizer will cover accommodation expenses for the Artist.

IV. Technical Requirements

4.1 Sound Equipment

The PA system should include at least four speakers to ensure adequate sound coverage for the venue. Additionally, two microphones will be required for vocals or instruments, along with a mixer to adjust sound levels and balance.

4.2 Lighting

The lighting setup should consist of basic stage lighting, including colored spotlights to create ambiance and enhance the visual appeal of the performance. This lighting setup will help to highlight the performers and create a dynamic atmosphere during the event.

4.3 Stage Setup

An elevated stage platform measuring at least 12 feet by 12 feet should be provided, ensuring sufficient space for all performers to comfortably showcase their talents. The stage should be sturdy and secure, allowing for a stable performance area throughout the event.

V. Promotion and Marketing

Organizer agrees to promote the event through social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and email newsletters. The artist grants the Organizer the right to use Artist’s name, likeness, and promotional materials (such as photos, videos, and posters) to promote the event across various channels.

VI. Cancellation Policy

If any party involved in this Contract chooses to end it, this can be done by providing a written cancellation notice, which must be received no less than 14 days before the scheduled date of the relevant event. If the contract is canceled this way by any of the parties, any monetary payments made related to the event or services included in the contract must be fully refunded to the party or parties who made the payment(s).

VII. Liability and Indemnification

The artist agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Organizer from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of the Artist’s performance. Organizer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Artist from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of the event, excluding those directly attributable to the Artist’s actions or omissions.

VIII. Intellectual Property Rights

Artist retains all rights to their music and intellectual property, including but not limited to compositions, lyrics, and recordings. Organizer agrees not to record, reproduce, distribute, or otherwise exploit the Artist’s performance without prior written consent from the Artist or their authorized representative. This includes, but is not limited to, live audio or video recordings, streaming, broadcasting, or any other form of distribution.

IX. Miscellaneous Provisions

9.1 Governing Law

This Contract in all respects including its interpretation, construction, performance, and enforcement, shall be managed, controlled, and guided by the national or regional legislation or statutes that have been put into effect within the territorial boundaries of the specified state or country.

9.2 Entire Contract

This Contract signifies the participating parties and invalidates any preceding arrangements or understandings, communicated either orally or in written form, that the parties might have had previously. It's essential to acknowledge that this Contract supersedes all previous exchanges.

9.3 Amendments

Should there be any changes or amendments required to this Contract, they must be formally put into writing and should bear the signatures of both parties involved, thereby signifying their mutual agreement to the said alterations.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.

[Band Representative Name]

[Organizer's Name]

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