Music Band Contract

Music Band Contract

This Music Band Contract (‘Contract’) is entered into this [Date], by and between [Band's Name], of [Band's Address] (hereinafter ‘Artist’), represented by its signatory duly authorized to execute this agreement for and on behalf of the band, and [Client's Name], of [Client's Address] (hereinafter ‘Client’).

I. Event Details

  • Event Date: [Date]

  • Event Time: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

  • Event Location: The Grove Theater, 123 Main Street

II. Services Provided

In this context, the mentioned band has agreed to perform at the previously described event, the length of their act stretching for a comprehensive three hours. During this allotted time, the band plans to energetically perform a succession of classic rock and pop songs, along with a variety of modern hits aimed to please the audience. Their live execution of these popular music genres will essentially be the highlight of the occasion.

III. Compensation

In consideration for the services provided by the Band, the Client agrees to pay the Band the sum of [Insert Amount] as compensation. Payment shall be made as follows:

  • To secure your booking under the terms of this contract, a deposit is required. This deposit is a non-refundable amount of $500. It must be paid immediately upon signing this contract. Please note that this deposit will not be returned to you under any circumstances.

  • Regarding the final payment, it is hereby noted that the remaining balance of one thousand dollars ($1000) is expected to be paid in full. The due date for this payment has been scheduled for on or before the specific date of [Date]. For instance, if the date is [Date], the payment must be made on or by this date.

IV. Cancellation and Refund Policy

Either party may cancel this Contract by providing written notice to the other party at least thirty (30) days before the event date. In the event of cancellation by the Client, the deposit shall be forfeited. If cancellation occurs less than thirty (30) days before the event, the Client shall be liable to pay the full agreed-upon compensation to the Band.

V. Technical Requirements

The Client shall provide the following technical requirements for the Band's performance:

  1. Sound System: A professional-grade sound system with at least 4 speakers, suitable for the size of the venue.

  2. Microphones: 4 wired microphones and 2 wireless microphones, along with microphone stands.

  3. Lighting Equipment: Stage lighting setup including 6 spotlights and 8 LED wash lights.

  4. Backline Equipment: Drum kit with 5-piece configuration, 2 guitar amplifiers, and 1 bass amplifier as per the Band's specifications.

  5. Stage: A minimum stage size of 20 feet wide by 12 feet deep, suitable for accommodating the entire Band and their equipment comfortably.

  6. Power Outlets: Sufficient power outlets and power supply to support all electrical equipment during the performance.

VI. Promotional Rights

The Band retains the following rights:

  • To use photographs taken at the event for promotional purposes

    This includes the right to utilize images captured during the performance, whether by the Band or authorized photographers, for promotional activities such as social media posts, website content, and printed materials.

  • To use videos recorded during the event for promotional purposes

    This encompasses the right to utilize any video footage captured during the event, whether by the Band or authorized videographers, for promotional activities such as highlight reels, promotional videos, and online advertisements.

  • To use recordings of the performance for promotional purposes

    This grants the Band the right to use audio recordings of the performance, whether captured live or in a studio setting, for promotional activities such as creating demo reels, releasing live albums, or sharing excerpts on social media platforms.

The Client grants permission for the Band to use the following:

  • The Client's name in promotional materials related to the event

    This permits the Band to mention and feature the Client's name prominently in promotional materials such as event posters, social media posts, press releases, and advertisements to highlight their involvement in the event.

  • The Client's likeness (e.g., logo, branding) in promotional materials related to the event

    This allows the Band to incorporate the Client's visual identity, including logos, branding elements, and any other distinctive features, in promotional materials to accurately represent the event and its sponsors or partners.

VII. Insurance and Liability

Both parties agree to carry adequate insurance coverage for their respective liabilities arising from the event. Each party shall indemnify and hold harmless the other party from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of their actions or negligence.

VIII. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The present contract, as well as any disagreements or disputes that may arise out of it, shall be subject to the jurisdiction and regulations of [Insert Jurisdiction]. Any resulting legal allegations, disagreements, or issues shall be adjudicated, governed, and conclusively resolved under the laws and within the courts of [Insert Jurisdiction].

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first written above.

[Band’s Name]

[Client’s Name]

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