Self Employed Cleaning Contract

Self-Employed Cleaning Contract

This cleaning services contract ("Contract") is made on the [Date], between [Your Name], of [Your Address] (hereinafter "Provider"), and [Client's Name] of [Client's Address] (hereinafter "Client").

I. Servicing

The Provider agrees to provide cleaning services to the Client at the location specified, as detailed in this Agreement. The nature of the cleaning services ("Services") to be provided and the frequency at which they will be provided is outlined in the schedule attached to this Agreement.

II. Payment

The Client agrees to compensate the Provider at a rate of [The Rate], payable [Payment Details]. The Client agrees to make payment within [Payment Due Date] of receiving an invoice from the Provider.

III. Term

The commencement date of this Agreement is set to start on the designated [Start Date] and is expected to persist until the specified [End Date]. This projection of the Agreement's duration is subject to alteration only in the event of an early termination. This early termination, should it occur, must strictly align with and adhere to the stipulations provided under the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.

IV. Termination

Either party involved in this agreement reserves the right to end this contract. The party seeking termination must provide written notice to the other involved party during the [Notice Period], as stipulated in the agreement's terms and conditions. However, it should be noted that any infringement of these terms and conditions may lead to an instant termination of the agreement. In such cases where the agreement has been breached, there is no obligation to provide any form of notice before proceeding with the immediate termination.

V. Confidentiality

The Provider guarantees the preservation of confidentiality regarding all information and details regarding the Client. Such information has been procured during the process of providing Services. Full confidence can be entrusted that this confidentiality will remain intact, as the Provider pledges not to disclose any of the acquired information to third-party individuals or entities.

VI. Dispute Resolution

If any disagreements or disputes emerge from or are related to this Agreement, it is mutually agreed upon by both participating parties that they will attempt to resolve said dispute through the process of arbitration. If circumstances dictate that arbitration is unsuccessful or not feasible, both parties also agree that they may opt to resolve the dispute through formal legal proceedings.

VII. Indemnities

The party we refer to as the Provider, with all rights and responsibilities thus attached, will be rendered accountable for any sustained damages that occur within the time frame and context of them providing the Services. It is incumbent upon them to undertake a commensurate compensation to the party known as the Client, to rectify the aforementioned damages caused.

VIII. Entire Agreement

This Agreement fully encapsulates the complete agreement shared among the parties involved. It stands as a superseding entity to all formerly made agreements, whether they were made verbally or documented in writing, which pertain to the agreed-upon subject matter.

IX. Governing Law

This Agreement is governed by and construed by the laws of the [Jurisdiction].

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written.

[Your Name]

[Date Signed]

[Client's Name]

[Date Signed]

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