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Sample Product Requirements Document

Sample Product Requirements Document (PRD)

I. Overview

  • Product Name: [Product Name]

  • Document Owner: [Your Name]

  • Contributors: [List of Contributors]

  • Approval: [Approver’s Name]

  • Date: [Date]

  • Version: [Version Number]

II. Purpose

This document outlines the requirements and guidelines for the development of [Product Name]. It serves as a reference for all teams involved in the product development, ensuring alignment and understanding of the product vision, features, and constraints.

III. Scope

  • In Scope: Detailed descriptions of what is included in the development of [Product Name].

  • Out of Scope: Items or features that will not be covered in this development cycle.

IV. Goals and Objectives

List the primary goals and objectives of [Product Name].

A. Primary Goals

  • Goal 1: Description of goal 1

  • Goal 2: Description of goal 2

B. Primary Objectives

  • Objective A: Description of objective A

  • Objective B: Description of objective B

V. Background and Strategic Fit

Explain how [Product Name] fits into [Your Company Name]’s overall strategy and background.

VI. Assumptions

List any assumptions that are being made during the planning and development phase of [Product Name].

  • Assumption 1

  • Assumption 2

VII. Requirements

A. Functional Requirements

Describe the key functionalities that [Product Name] must have to meet its goals.

  • Requirement 1: Description

  • Requirement 2: Description

B. Non-Functional Requirements

Include requirements related to security, performance, user experience, etc.

  • Requirement 1: Description

  • Requirement 2: Description

VIII. User Stories

Detail user stories to represent the user’s perspective and how they will interact with [Product Name].

  • As a [User Role], I want [Feature], so that [Benefit].

  • As a [User Role], I want [Feature], so that [Benefit].

IX. Use Cases

Provide detailed use cases for [Product Name], including actors, actions, and outcomes.

  • Use Case 1: Description

  • Use Case 2: Description

X. User Interface and Design

Provide sketches, wireframes, or descriptions of the user interface and design components for [Product Name].

  • UI Component 1: Description

  • UI Component 2: Description

XI. Dependencies

List any external dependencies that could affect the development timeline of [Product Name].

  • Dependency 1

  • Dependency 2

XII. Timeline and Milestones

Create a timeline with key milestones for the development of [Product Name].



Estimated Completion Date


Milestone 1 Description

[Due Date 1]


Milestone 2 Description

[Due Date 2]

XIII. Evaluation and Success Criteria

Define how the success of [Product Name] will be evaluated.

  • Criterion 1: Description

  • Criterion 2: Description

XIV. Risks and Mitigation Strategies

Identify potential risks and outline strategies for mitigating these risks.

  • Risk 1: Description and mitigation strategy

  • Risk 2: Description and mitigation strategy

XV. Glossary

Include definitions of terms used throughout the document for clarity.

  • Term 1: Definition

  • Term 2: Definition

XVI. Approval

This document has been approved by the undersigned on the date specified.

Name: [Your Name]

Position: [Your Position]

Approval Date: [Date]

Product Requirements Document Templates @