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Personal SMART Goals

Personal SMART Goals

Objective/Goal Description
To advance within [YOUR COMPANY NAME] by securing a promotion to [TARGET POSITION], demonstrating enhanced leadership capabilities, and making significant contributions to strategic projects, ultimately aligning personal career aspirations with the company's objectives.

SMART Goal Breakdown


Initial Meaning




Secure a promotion to a specific role, such as [TARGET POSITION], within the company, focusing on enhancing leadership capabilities and contributing to strategic projects.



Track progress through performance reviews, completed training sessions, milestones achieved, and contributions to strategic projects relevant to the target position. Set quantifiable targets for each key area.



Develop a realistic plan for skill acquisition and network expansion that fits within current job demands and personal commitments. Identify and leverage available resources and support systems to ensure success.



The goal aligns with long-term career aspirations and contributes to professional growth and job satisfaction. It also supports the company’s objectives and strategic direction, ensuring mutual benefits.



Achieve the desired position or level of responsibility within [TIME FRAME]. Establish short-term milestones to track progress and adjust strategies as necessary to stay on course.

Action Plan

  • Skill Enhancement
    Task: Enroll in and complete[SPECIFIC TRAINING PROGRAM]
    Deadline: Within[SPECIFIC TIME FRAME].

  • Performance Improvement
    Task: Achieve all key performance indicators (KPIs) for the current role, with evidence of exceeding targets.
    Deadline: [ONGOING]

  • Networking and Visibility
    Task: Attend[NUMBER] company networking events and participate in [NUMBER] cross-departmental projects to increase visibility.
    Deadline: At least one event or project per quarter.

  • Feedback and Professional Development
    Task: Obtain regular feedback from supervisors and mentors to identify areas for improvement and act on them.


  • Responsible:[YOUR NAME]

  • Support System: [MENTOR]

  • Frequency of Progress Reviews: [MONTHLY FREQUENCY] for performance tracking and[QUARTERLY FREQUENCY] for comprehensive reviews.

  • Method of Review:[FEED BACK SESSIONS]

Notes & Adjustments

  • Initial Notes: Begin with a detailed assessment of [CURRENT JOB PERFOMANCE / SKILLS] for advancement within the company.

  • Adjustments: Be prepared to take on [ADDITIONAL PROJECTS OR RESPONSIBILITIES]to demonstrate capability and initiative.

Measurement of Success

  • Career Advancement: Obtaining the [POSITION] of responsibility within the set timeframe.

  • Skill Development: Completion of all [TRAINING] and development activities, with demonstrated application in the workplace.

  • Performance Metrics: Meeting and exceeding current role's KPIs, as assessed in performance reviews.

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