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Nursing Home Job Evaluation

Nursing Home Job Evaluation

The primary objective of this evaluation form is to provide a structured framework for assessing various aspects of employee performance. By utilizing this comprehensive tool, we aim to ensure that evaluations are conducted consistently and objectively across all staff members.

Evaluation Criteria

Each employee will be evaluated based on the following dimensions:

A. Job Knowledge: This criterion assesses the extent to which an employee possesses the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their job duties effectively.

B. Quality of Work: Quality of work evaluates the accuracy, thoroughness, and effectiveness of an employee's work output.

C. Attitude: Attitude reflects an employee's demeanor, approach, and overall outlook towards their work, colleagues, and residents.

D. Attendance/Punctuality: This criterion evaluates an employee's reliability and consistency in terms of attendance and punctuality.

E. Adaptability: Adaptability assesses an employee's ability to effectively respond to changes, challenges, and new situations within the workplace.

F. Team Contribution: Team contribution evaluates the extent to which an employee actively participates, collaborates, and contributes to the overall success of the team.

G. Patient Interaction: Patient interaction assesses an employee's ability to engage, communicate, and interact with residents in a compassionate, respectful, and empathetic manner.

H. Compliance: Compliance evaluates an employee's adherence to relevant policies, regulations, and ethical standards governing their role within the nursing home.

I. Leadership: Leadership assesses an employee's ability to demonstrate initiative, take charge, and influence others positively within their scope of responsibility.

Evaluation Criteria

Description of Criteria

Rating (1-5)

Job Knowledge

Understanding of the job and the tasks performed.

Quality of Work

Standard of work performed which includes precision and reliability.


Approach towards work, colleagues, and patients.

Attendance/ Punctuality

Presence at work and punctuality.


Flexibility and ability to adapt to new situations.

Team Contribution

Ability to work effectively as part of a team, cooperating and assisting colleagues.

Patient Interaction

Interaction with patients: kindness, empathy, and effectiveness of communication.


Adherence to nursing home rules, regulations, and policies.


Ability to guide, motivate, and influence team members positively.

In scoring, use the following scale:

1-Below Standard

2-Needs Improvement

3-Meets Standard

4-Exceeds Standard


Additional Comments and Notes

All comments and observations about the employee's performance should be noted here.

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