Personal Stylist Contract


This Personal Stylist Contract (the “Contract”), effective as of [Date], is entered into by and between [Your Name], located at [Your Address] (the “Stylist”), and [Client's Name], located at [Client's Address] (the “Client”), jointly referred to as the “Parties.”


1.1 Wardrobe Consultation

The Wardrobe Consultation service encompasses a thorough assessment of the Client's existing wardrobe, providing detailed recommendations on organization, enhancements, and maintenance practices. Additionally, the Stylist will offer insights into styling techniques, outfit combinations, and wardrobe optimization strategies tailored to the Client's individual preferences and lifestyle needs.

1.2 Personal Shopping

Personal Shopping services involve personalized assistance in selecting new clothing items and accessories, taking into account the Client's style preferences, body type, color preferences, and budget constraints. The Stylist will curate a personalized shopping experience, offering expert guidance on coordinating outfits, selecting versatile pieces, and ensuring a cohesive and stylish wardrobe that reflects the Client's unique fashion identity.

1.3 Special Event Styling

Special Event Styling services are designed to cater to specific occasions such as weddings, parties, corporate events, and red-carpet appearances. The Stylist will collaborate closely with the Client to understand the event's theme, dress code, ambiance, and the Client's desired image or role. Based on these factors, the Stylist will curate customized outfits, including clothing, accessories, shoes, and styling details, ensuring that the Client looks and feels confident, stylish, and appropriately dressed for the occasion.

1.4 Color Analysis

Color Analysis involves a detailed assessment of the Client's natural coloring, including skin tone, hair color, and eye color, to determine the most flattering clothing colors and combinations. The Stylist will provide comprehensive guidance on incorporating these colors into the Client's wardrobe, selecting complementary hues, and creating versatile color schemes that suit various occasions, settings, and personal preferences. Additionally, the Stylist may offer insights into color psychology, seasonal color trends, and accessorizing with colors to enhance the overall impact of the Client's outfits.

1.5 Body Type Analysis

Body Type Analysis focuses on evaluating the Client's body shape, proportions, and unique features to recommend clothing styles that accentuate their strengths and minimize areas of concern. The Stylist will conduct a detailed assessment, considering factors such as body measurements, height, bone structure, silhouette, and posture. Based on this analysis, the Stylist will offer personalized recommendations on garment cuts, fabrics, patterns, and styling techniques that flatter the Client's body type, enhance their confidence, and create a cohesive and stylish wardrobe.

1.6 Other Related Services

In addition to the specified services, the Contract may include other related services as agreed upon by the Parties. These additional services could encompass closet organization, seasonal wardrobe updates, travel packing assistance, virtual styling sessions, fashion trend insights, and customized lookbooks. The inclusion of such services will be mutually discussed, documented, and priced accordingly to ensure transparency, understanding, and alignment of expectations between the Stylist and the Client.


The Client agrees to compensate the Stylist a specified fee for the Services rendered, payable by the agreed-upon payment due date and through acceptable forms of payment. Any additional expenses incurred during the provision of services, such as shopping expenses, travel costs (if applicable), or special requests, will be communicated to the Client, documented, and reimbursed accordingly.


The Contract remains effective until the specified end date unless terminated earlier as per the outlined termination provisions. The Parties may consider renewing or extending the Contract upon mutual agreement, with renewal terms, pricing adjustments, and service updates documented in writing before the expiration of the current Contract term.


The Stylist will provide personalized recommendations, stay updated on fashion trends, and maintain strict confidentiality regarding client information. The Stylist will also uphold professional standards, ethical practices, and industry regulations while delivering high-quality styling services that meet or exceed the Client's expectations.


The Client will communicate preferences, provide feedback, and notify of any changes impacting the Services promptly. The Client agrees to cooperate with the Stylist, respect appointment schedules, and adhere to payment terms and policies outlined in the Contract.


Both Parties agree to maintain strict confidentiality regarding all shared information unless required by law. This includes protecting client data, personal details, style preferences, body measurements, shopping habits, event schedules, financial information, and any other proprietary or confidential information exchanged during the provision of services.


The Stylist operates independently and is not an employee, partner, or agent of the Client. As an independent contractor, the Stylist has the autonomy to manage their schedule, tools, methods, and work environment to deliver the Services effectively and professionally.


Either Party may terminate the Contract with written notice within the specified notice period. Termination may occur due to reasons such as breach of contract, non-payment, failure to meet obligations, or mutual agreement between the Parties. Upon termination, both Parties will settle any outstanding payments, return borrowed or rented items, and ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities.


The Contract is governed by specified laws, disputes are resolved through arbitration, and the Contract constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties regarding the provision of personal styling services. Any amendments, modifications, or changes to the Contract must be made in writing and signed by both Parties to be valid and enforceable. The Parties agree to abide by the terms, conditions, and clauses outlined in the Contract, fostering a professional and collaborative relationship throughout the Services.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]


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