Free Short Term Loan Contract Template



Free Short Term Loan Contract Template

Short-Term Loan Contract

I. Parties Involved

This Short-Term Loan Contract ("Contract") made effective as of [Date], is entered into by and between [Your Name] of [Your Company Address] ("Lender") and [Borrower Name] residing at [Borrower Address] ("Borrower").

II. Loan Details

Lender hereby agrees to lend to Borrower and Borrower agrees to borrow from Lender, the sum of [Amount] ("Principal") at an interest rate of [Interest Rate] per annum. The total repayment amount due by the Borrower is [Total Repayment Amount] including any associated fees.

III. Repayment Terms

The borrower is obligated to repay the Principal amount in conjunction with any accrued interest, by the schedule specifics provided under the section titled 'Frequency of Payments'. Each payment made must fall within the correct due dates, as specifically outlined under the related section called 'Specific Due Dates'. It is important to note that if any payment is made after the stipulated due dates, penalties will be invoked, adhering to the terms and conditions stipulated within this Agreement.

IV. Collateral

The individual who is borrowing pledges and also grants a security interest in the specified collateral:

Property Address/Description:

  • The collateral for this loan agreement consists of [describe the property in detail, including its address, size, features, and any relevant specifications]. This may include real estate properties, vehicles, equipment, or other tangible assets.

  • For real estate properties, specify the address, legal description, lot number, and any pertinent details regarding the property's condition, improvements, and zoning regulations.

Title and Ownership:

  • The borrower certifies that they hold clear and marketable title to the collateral and have the legal authority to pledge it as security for the loan.

  • Any liens, encumbrances, or claims against the collateral must be disclosed by the borrower before the loan agreement.


  • The collateral's current market value is estimated to be [valuation amount]. This valuation is based on [provide details of the valuation method used, such as recent appraisals, market comparisons, or expert assessments].

  • The borrower acknowledges and agrees that the valuation of the collateral may fluctuate over time and is subject to change based on market conditions.

Insurance and Maintenance:

  • The borrower agrees to maintain adequate insurance coverage for the collateral, naming the lender as a loss payee or additional insured party.

  • The borrower is responsible for the ongoing maintenance, repair, and upkeep of the collateral to preserve its value and condition during the term of the loan agreement.

Access and Inspection:

  • The lender reserves the right to access and inspect the collateral at any reasonable time to verify its condition, usage, and compliance with the terms of the loan agreement.

  • The borrower agrees to provide the lender with any documentation or information necessary to facilitate the inspection or evaluation of the collateral.

V. Default Provisions

If the Borrower fails to fulfill any obligation that they have committed themselves to under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Lender is fully authorized to impose certain penalties as a consequence. In addition, if the Borrower continues to default on their payments, the Lender is within their rights to employ various legal methods as necessary to recover the amount of the debt that is still outstanding.

VI. Governing Law

The terms, conditions, and interpretations of this Agreement shall be delineated, influenced, and arbitrated following the rules, regulations, and legal statutes established and practiced within the jurisdiction of [Jurisdiction].

VII. Signatures

By signing below, both parties signify their acceptance of all terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.

[Your Name]

[Date Signed]

[Borrower Name]
[Date Signed]

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