House Lease Extension Contract

House Lease Extension Contract

This House Lease Extension Contract (the “Contract") is entered into this [DATE] (the "Execution Date"), By and between [YOUR NAME], of address [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS] (hereinafter "Landlord"), and [Tenant Name], of address [Tenant Address] (hereinafter "Tenant").

WHEREAS the Landlord and Tenant have previously entered into a lease agreement on [Previous Date] (the "Original Lease Agreement");

AND WHEREAS the Landlord and Tenant agree to extend the term of the Lease Agreement beyond its original expiration date.

I. Agreement

1. Terms: Subject to the terms and conditions provided in this Contract, the Original Lease Agreement is hereby renewed and extended for a term of [Extended Period] commencing on [Commencement Date] and ending on [Termination Date] unless otherwise terminated earlier as provided under the Original Lease Agreement or this Contract.

2. Rent: The monthly rent for the lease renewal term will be [New Rent Amount] payable on the first day of each calendar month.

3. Terms and Conditions: All terms and conditions of the Original Lease Agreement not modified by this Contract shall remain in full force and effect.

II. Modifications

No modifications or amendments to this Contract will be effective unless in writing signed by both Parties.

III. Security Deposit

The disposition of the security deposit held under the Original Lease Agreement during the extended term, including any adjustments or additional deposits required.

IV. Maintenance and Repairs

Responsibilities of both parties regarding maintenance, repairs, and upkeep of the property during the extended lease term.

V. Utilities and Services

Specification of which party is responsible for payment of utilities, services, and other recurring expenses associated with the property during the extended lease term.

VI. Insurance

Requirements for tenant insurance coverage and any changes to the landlord's insurance obligations during the extended lease term.

VII. Renewal Options

Provision for any options for further renewal beyond the extended lease term, including conditions and notice requirements.

VIII. Termination

Conditions under which either party may terminate the lease extension before the expiration of the agreed-upon term, including any penalties or notice requirements.

IX. Inspection and Condition

Procedures for property inspection at the commencement and conclusion of the extended lease term, documenting the condition of the property and any damages.

X. Notices

Procedures for serving notices or communications between the parties regarding matters related to the lease extension.

XI. Entire Agreement

This Contract comprises the entire agreement between the Parties concerning the lease renewal and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, and communications.

XII. Governing Law & Venue

This Contract will be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction of the [Country]. Any dispute arising out of this Contract shall be resolved in the venue of [Country].



[Tenant Name]


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