Private Lesson Contract

Private Lesson Contract

This Private Lesson Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into this 20th day of January 2055 by and between [Your Name] (the "Instructor") and [Student Name] (the "Student"). The Instructor and the Student may be referred to as "Parties".

1. Services

The Instructor agrees to provide services in the form of private lessons according to the objectives and curricula mutually agreed upon by the Instructor and the Student as follows:

1.1 Subject Matter

The Instructor agrees to provide private lessons to the Student in [Specify Subject or Activity].

1.2 Schedule

The Parties shall agree upon a mutually convenient schedule for lessons, with each lesson lasting [Duration] and occurring on [Frequency].

1.3 Curriculum

The Parties shall discuss and agree upon the curriculum, learning objectives, and materials to be used during lessons.

2. Payment and Fees

2.1 Fees

The Student agrees to pay the Instructor the sum of [Amount] per lesson, payable weekly in advance. The total fee for each lesson includes the cost of instruction as well as any necessary materials provided by the Instructor.

2.2 Payment Method

Payments shall be made via electronic bank transfer to the Instructor's designated bank account. The Instructor shall provide the necessary banking details to the Student for this purpose.

2.3 Fee Adjustment

The Instructor reserves the right to adjust the lesson fee with reasonable notice to the Student. Any such adjustments shall be communicated in writing and shall not affect lessons for which payment has already been made.

3. Termination Conditions

3.1 Notice Period

Either Party may terminate this Contract by providing 30 days written notice to the other Party.

3.2 Refunds

In the event of termination, the Student shall be entitled to a refund for any prepaid lessons not yet conducted, minus any applicable administrative fees.

4. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure:

4.1 Confidentiality

Both Parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any sensitive information shared during the lessons.

4.2 Non-Disclosure

The Parties shall not disclose any proprietary information or materials provided during the lessons to third parties without prior written consent.

5. Dispute Resolution

5.1 Negotiation

In the event of any dispute arising under this Contract, the Parties agree to first attempt to resolve the matter amicably through good-faith negotiations.

5.2 Mediation/Arbitration

If negotiations fail, the Parties agree to engage in mediation or arbitration with a neutral third party before pursuing any legal action.

6. Governing Law

This Contract shall be governed by the laws of [Place of Jurisdiction].

7. Entire Agreement

This represents the entire agreement between the Instructor and the Student and supersedes all prior agreements or understandings (if any) regarding the private lessons.

8. Amendments

This Contract may only be amended or modified by a written agreement signed by both parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Private Lesson Contract as of the date below:

[Your Name]


[Date Signed]

[Student Name]


[Date Signed]

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