North Dakota Affidavit of Gift

North Dakota Affidavit of Gift


COUNTY OF [Your County]


I, [YOUR NAME], residing at [YOUR ADDRESS], in the City of [City Name], County of [Your County], State of North Dakota, do hereby solemnly swear and affirm as follows:

Statement of Facts:

  1. My name is [YOUR NAME], residing at [YOUR ADDRESS].

  2. I am the [state relationship] of the recipient, [Recipient's Name], and have a close and loving relationship with her.

  3. Over the years, our family connection has grown stronger, particularly through shared family events and milestones.

  4. The recipient of the gift is [Recipient's Name], who currently lives at [Recipient's Address].

  5. [Recipient's Name] is my [state relationship], and our relationship has been marked by mutual respect, affection, and shared family heritage.

  6. This gift symbolizes not only a transfer of a tangible item but also the passing down of family history and traditions that [Recipient's Name] and I deeply cherish.

    Description of Gift:

    • Type of Item: [state item]

    • Description: [Detailed Description of the Heirloom]

  7. I declare that I am gifting the above-described heirloom to [Recipient's Name] without any consideration, payment, or expectation of compensation.

  8. This gift is made out of love and affection and to ensure the continuation of its possession within our family.

  9. I certify that upon the signing of this affidavit, full ownership and possession of the described heirloom will transfer to [Recipient's Name], and I relinquish all my rights, title, and interest in the said heirloom.

  10. I affirm that at the time of this gift, the described heirloom is free from any liens, encumbrances, or claims by others.

  11. I declare that I am of legal age and competent to execute this affidavit and that this decision is made freely and without duress or undue influence.


This affidavit is made to document the gift of the described heirloom to [Recipient's Name] for any necessary legal or official purposes.

I understand that providing false information on this affidavit can result in penalties under the law.

Signed this [Day] of [Month], [Year].



Subscribed and sworn to before me this [Day] of [Month], [Year].


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