Nursing Home 30-Day Employee Review

Nursing Home 30-Day Employee Review

I. Introduction

This document serves as a comprehensive 30-day employee review for our new staff member at [Your Company Name], a leading provider of nursing home services. Our objective approach to this evaluation aims to highlight the areas where the employee excels and identify those that require further development. We have identified eight main aspects of the job which will be appraised in detail:

A. Purpose of the Review

  1. Performance Evaluation: The primary purpose of this review is to assess the employee’s performance over the initial 30-day period. This includes evaluating their skills, work ethic, and overall contribution to the nursing home.

  2. Feedback and Improvement: The review also serves as a platform for providing constructive feedback to the employee. This feedback can guide them in improving their performance and furthering their professional development.

  3. Recognition of Excellence: Through this review, we aim to recognize and appreciate the employee’s strengths and achievements. This recognition can motivate the employee and reinforce positive behavior.

B. Review Process

  1. Evaluation Criteria: The review focuses on eight main aspects of the job. These aspects have been chosen for their relevance to the employee’s role and responsibilities in the nursing home.

  2. Rating System: Each aspect of the job will be rated on a scale of one to five, with one being poor and five being exceptional. This rating system allows for a clear and quantifiable assessment of the employee’s performance.

  3. Reviewer’s Comments: Along with the ratings, the reviewer will provide comments for each aspect of the job. These comments will offer specific examples and insights into the employee’s performance.

C. Confidentiality and Use of Review

  1. Confidentiality: The details of this review are confidential. They will be shared only with the employee and relevant personnel involved in the employee’s supervision and development.

  2. Use of Review: The results of this review will be used to guide the employee’s future performance and development. They may also be considered in decisions regarding the employee’s compensation, promotion, or continued employment.

  3. Review Period: This review covers the employee’s performance over their initial 30-day period at the nursing home. Future reviews will be conducted periodically to track the employee’s ongoing performance and development.

  4. Right to Respond: The employee has the right to respond to this review. Their feedback and perspectives are valuable in ensuring a fair and comprehensive evaluation process.

  5. Follow-Up Actions: Based on the results of this review, appropriate follow-up actions will be taken. This may include providing additional training, setting performance goals, or implementing a performance improvement plan.

  6. Review Documentation: This review will be documented and kept in the employee’s personnel file. It serves as a formal record of the employee’s performance and development.

II. Employee Information

A. Employee Profile

The following table showcases employee profile:




John Mitchell


Nursing Home Staff

Joining Date:

June 15, 2050

B. Role and Responsibilities

  1. Patient Assistance: One of John’s primary responsibilities is patient assistance. This involves direct interaction with our residents, ensuring their comfort and well-being.

  2. Facility Maintenance: He also plays a role in maintaining the facility. This includes ensuring cleanliness and safety, as well as assisting with any necessary repairs or improvements.

  3. Team Collaboration: As a member of our team, he works closely with other staff members. His role requires effective communication and collaboration to ensure smooth operations within our nursing home.

C. Initial Observations

  1. Adaptability: Over the course of the month, he has shown adaptability by learning about the various roles within our facility. This has given him a balanced understanding of our operations and the diverse needs of our residents.

  2. Commitment: He has demonstrated a deep-seated commitment to delivering effective and compassionate care. His interactions with residents reflect his dedication to his role.

  3. Potential for Growth: Based on our observations during this initial period, we believe that John shows great potential for growth within our organization. We look forward to seeing his continued progress and contributions to our team.

III. Evaluation and Analysis

Now, we present a detailed evaluation of John Mitchell’s performance across various key aspects of his role at [Your Company Name]. These aspects have been carefully chosen to provide a comprehensive understanding of the employee's strengths and areas for improvement. The following table provides a summary of our evaluation:




Assisting Residents


Comfortable in assisting and communicating with the residents

Clinical Skills


Basic clinical skills, with room for improvement

Communication Skills


Effective communicator, both with staff and residents



Works well within a team, often stepping up to help others



Hasn't missed any shifts and is always on time

Adherence to Policies


Follows company policies well, with a minor incident or two

Overall attitude


Positive and cheerful which uplifts the mood of others

Problem-Solving Skills


Has demonstrated good problem-solving ability, but there's room for improvement



A. Assisting Residents

John has shown a commendable level of comfort and effectiveness in assisting and communicating with the residents. His empathetic approach and patient demeanor have greatly contributed to the quality of care provided. However, there is always room for further improvement, especially in terms of understanding and catering to the unique needs of each resident.

B. Clinical Skills

While he possesses basic clinical skills necessary for his role, there is a noticeable room for improvement. Enhancing these skills not only increases the quality of care provided to the residents but also contributes to their safety and well-being. We recommend targeted training and mentorship to help Mitchell develop these skills further.

C. Communication Skills

Effective communication is crucial in a nursing home setting. He has demonstrated good communication skills, both with staff and residents. His ability to convey information clearly and empathetically contributes to a positive environment. Continued focus on enhancing these skills will be beneficial.

D. Teamwork

He has also shown a strong ability to work within a team. He often steps up to help others, demonstrating a collaborative spirit. This not only enhances the team’s overall performance but also contributes to a positive and supportive work environment.

E. Punctuality

His excellent punctuality is commendable. By ensuring he hasn’t missed any shifts and is always on time, he shows respect towards his residents and colleagues. This level of commitment is highly valued in our nursing home.

F. Adherence to Policies

He generally follows company policies well, although there have been a minor incident or two. It’s important for all staff members to adhere strictly to policies to ensure a safe and effective working environment. We recommend providing John with additional guidance and clarity on company policies.

G. Overall Attitude

John’s positive and cheerful attitude is a significant asset. It not only uplifts the mood of others but also contributes to a positive work culture. We encourage him to maintain this attitude as he continues his journey with us.

H. Problem-Solving Skills

He has demonstrated a good ability to solve problems, but there’s room for improvement. Developing strong problem-solving skills is crucial in a nursing home setting, where unexpected situations can arise. We recommend that he will be given more opportunities to involve himself in problem-solving exercises.

The insights derived from this evaluation are crucial in understanding John’s current performance and potential. They provide a clear direction for future development initiatives and performance improvement plans. By focusing on these key aspects, we can ensure that Mitchell continues to grow in his role and make significant contributions to our nursing home.

Moreover, this evaluation serves as a valuable tool for the employee as well. It provides him with a clear understanding of his strengths and areas for improvement. This awareness is the first step towards personal and professional growth. By working on the areas identified in this evaluation, he can enhance his skills, improve his performance, and contribute more effectively to our team and the residents we serve.

IV. Recommendations

Based on the evaluation of John Mitchell’s performance during his initial 30-day period at [Your Company Name], we have identified several areas for improvement and development. The following provide detailed recommendations for each area:

A. Clinical Skills Improvement

  1. Targeted Training: Provide John with targeted training to improve his clinical skills. This could include workshops, online courses, or one-on-one coaching with a senior staff member.

  2. Mentorship Program: Pair him with a more experienced staff member who can guide him and provide practical tips to enhance his clinical skills.

  3. Continuous Learning: Encourage him to pursue continuous learning opportunities in the field of nursing care. This could include attending seminars, reading relevant literature, or participating in webinars.

B. Adherence to Policies

  1. Policy Review Sessions: Conduct regular policy review sessions to ensure that John fully understands and adheres to all company policies.

  2. Clarification of Policies: If there are any policies that he finds confusing or unclear, provide additional clarification or examples to ensure understanding.

  3. Feedback Mechanism: Establish a feedback mechanism where he can ask questions or express concerns about any policies. This will not only help him adhere to policies but also contribute to policy improvement.

C. Problem-Solving Skills

  1. Problem-Solving Exercises: Involve him in more problem-solving exercises. This could be in the form of case studies, role plays, or brainstorming sessions.

  2. Critical Thinking Training: Provide training to enhance John's critical thinking skills. This will help him approach problems more effectively and come up with innovative solutions.

  3. Encouragement of Initiative: Encourage him to take the initiative in identifying and solving problems. Recognize and reward his efforts to promote a problem-solving mindset.

D. Overall Performance

  1. Performance Goals: Set clear and measurable performance goals for John. Regularly review these goals and provide feedback on his progress.

  2. Performance Improvement Plan: If necessary, develop a performance improvement plan. This plan should outline the steps he needs to take to improve his performance, along with a timeline for achieving these improvements.

  3. Regular Feedback: Provide him with regular feedback on his performance. This feedback should be constructive, focusing on both his strengths and areas for improvement.

  4. Recognition of Achievements: Recognize and celebrate John’s achievements. This will boost his morale and motivate him to continue performing well.

  5. Career Development Opportunities: Discuss his career aspirations and explore opportunities for growth and development within [Your Company Name]. This will help him see a clear career path and stay motivated.

  6. Work-Life Balance: Ensure that he maintains a healthy work-life balance. This is crucial for his well-being and long-term performance.

E. Communication Skills

  1. Communication Workshops: Conduct workshops focused on enhancing communication skills. These workshops can cover topics like active listening, effective verbal and non-verbal communication, and empathetic communication.

  2. Feedback on Communication: Provide regular feedback on his communication with both staff and residents. Highlight instances where he communicated effectively and provide constructive feedback on areas for improvement.

  3. Role-Play Exercises: Use role-play exercises to simulate various scenarios that he might encounter in the nursing home. This can help him practice and improve his communication skills in a safe and supportive environment.

V. Conclusion

In conclusion, John Mitchell has shown commendable performance in his first 30 days at [Your Company Name]. His dedication to his role and his commitment to providing high-quality care to our residents are evident in his interactions and work ethic. His strengths in assisting residents, communicating effectively, and working as part of a team contribute significantly to our nursing home’s operations. His punctuality and positive attitude set a good example for other staff members and create a positive work environment.

However, like any new employee, there are areas where John can improve. His clinical skills and problem-solving abilities, while satisfactory, show room for improvement. With targeted training, mentorship, and experience, we believe John can further enhance these skills. His adherence to policies is generally good, but there have been minor incidents that indicate a need for better understanding and stricter compliance.

The recommendations provided in this review are intended to guide John's future development and performance improvement. By focusing on these areas, we believe he can continue to grow in his role and make significant contributions to our team and the residents we serve. We look forward to his continued progress and are committed to supporting him in his journey with [Your Company Name]. We believe that with continued effort and dedication, John will become an even more valuable member of our team. We appreciate his hard work and are excited to see what the future holds for him at [Your Company Name].

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