Free Nursing Home Onboarding Contract Template



Free Nursing Home Onboarding Contract Template

Nursing Home Onboarding Contract

This Nursing Home Onboarding Contract ("Contract") is entered into on [Date], between [Your Company Name], a nursing home facility located at [Your Company Address] ("Nursing Home Facility"), and [Resident or Resident's Legal Representative], with address at [Resident Address] ("Resident" or "Resident's Legal Representative").

1. Admission Policies:

The Nursing Home Facility agrees to admit the Resident upon meeting the admission criteria outlined by the Nursing Home Facility's policies and regulations.

2. Services Provided:

The Nursing Home Facility agrees to provide the Resident with the following services:

  • Room and board

  • 24-hour nursing care

  • Assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs)

  • Medication management

  • Recreational activities and social programs

3. Fees and Payment:

The Resident or Resident's Legal Representative agrees to pay the Nursing Home Facility the following fees for the services provided:

  • Monthly room and board fees

  • Additional charges for any specialized care services requested by the Resident

  • Payment shall be made on a [Frequency] basis, due on [Due Date].

4. Rights and Responsibilities:

a. The Nursing Home Facility agrees to:

  • Respect the Resident's dignity, privacy, and confidentiality.

  • Provide a safe and comfortable living environment.

  • Ensure access to medical care and assistance as needed.

  • Inform the Resident or Resident's Legal Representative of any changes in the Resident's care plan or health status.

b. The Resident or Resident's Legal Representative agrees to:

  • Provide accurate and complete information about the Resident's medical history and care needs.

  • Abide by the Nursing Home Facility's rules and regulations.

  • Promptly notify the Nursing Home Facility of any changes in the Resident's health status or care needs.

5. Termination of Agreement:

Either party may terminate this Contract upon [number] days written notice to the other party. The Nursing Home Facility reserves the right to terminate this Contract immediately in cases of non-payment of fees or violation of facility policies.

6. Grievance Procedures:

The Nursing Home Facility shall provide a grievance procedure for addressing Resident concerns or complaints. Residents or their Legal Representatives may escalate grievances through the appropriate channels outlined by the Nursing Home Facility.

7. Legal Considerations:

This Contract shall be governed by the laws of [State]. Any disputes arising under this Contract shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Institution].

In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.

Nursing Home Facility

[Representative Name]

[Your Company Name]


Resident or Resident's Legal Representative

[Resident or Representative Name]


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