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Mechanical Bull Release Of Liability

Mechanical Bull Release of Liability

Participant's Name:

[Participant's Name]

Date of Participation:

[Date of Participation]

In consideration of being permitted to participate in the use of the mechanical bull provided by [Your Name], located at [Your Company Address], I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

I. Assumption of Risks

I acknowledge and understand the inherent risks and unpredictability associated with using a mechanical bull, including the potential for falls, collisions, and unforeseen movements that may result in injury or illness. Despite these risks, I voluntarily choose to participate in this activity, accepting full responsibility for any harm or damages that may occur as a result of my involvement. By participating, I agree to waive any claims or liabilities against the operator or owner of the mechanical bull for injuries or damages sustained during its use.

II. Release of Liability

I hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue [Your Name], its officers, employees, agents, and representatives (hereinafter referred to as "Released Parties") from any liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me, while using the mechanical bull.

III. Indemnification

I hereby express my agreement that I will become responsible for and undertake to indemnify, or pay compensation for any damage or loss caused, and also hold harmless or ensure the protection of the Released Parties, who will be freed from any given blame, obligation, or liability. This undertaking relates to any form of liabilities or claims made or raised by other individuals or entities. These liabilities or claims may arise as an outcome of my actions or conduct during my usage of the mechanical bull.

IV. No Warranty

I hereby acknowledge and understand that [Your Name] has not made, nor do they make, any sort of guarantee, representation, or warranty regarding the safety, suitability, or general appropriateness of the mechanical bull for my specific usage. Furthermore, they explicitly reject and disavow any form of implicit warranties that may relate to the sale, trade, or overall merchantability of the product, as well as any potential fitness or suitability the mechanical bull may have towards a special, specific, or particular purpose I may intend for it.

V. Safety Instructions

I hereby agree that I will adhere to all the safety instructions, guidelines, and information that are provided by the operator concerning the correct and appropriate use of the mechanical bull. I acknowledge and understand that if I fail to comply with these instructions, it may lead to an enhanced and escalated risk of potential injuries or harm.

VI. Medical Condition

I hereby confirm, assert, and attest that my current state of health is good, and I possess no known medical conditions or health concerns that may deter or jeopardize my ability to safely participate in activities involving the mechanical bull. Additionally, I fully understand the potential risks involved and agree, without reservation, to proactively communicate and disclose any existing medical concerns or changes in my health status to the corresponding operator before any form of participation ensues.

VII. Legal Age

Should the situation arise where I am providing my signature on this release form on behalf of an underage individual, I hereby provide certification that my relationship to the said minor is that of a parent or legal guardian. Furthermore, I affirm that I have been granted the appropriate legal authority to sign documents and make decisions on behalf of the minor.

VIII. Binding Agreement

I understand that this Release of Liability is a legally binding agreement and that by signing it, I am giving up certain legal rights, including the right to sue [Your Name] for injuries or damages resulting from my participation in the use of the mechanical bull.

I have read this Release of Liability, fully understand its terms, and voluntarily agree to be bound by its provisions. I acknowledge that I am signing this document freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature.

Participant's Signature:



Witness's Signature (if applicable):



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