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Damaged Living Room Release Of Liability


I. Parties Involved

This Damaged Living Room Release of Liability (the "Agreement") is made effective as of [DATE] (the "Effective Date"), between [YOUR NAME], residing at [YOUR ADDRESS] (referred to as the "Damager"), and [OWNER'S NAME], located at [OWNER'S ADDRESS] (referred to as the "Owner").

II. Damage Description

The damage covered under this Agreement pertains to the following items within the Owner's living room at [OWNER'S ADDRESS], attributable to the Damager:

  1. [ITEM 1]: Detailed description of the damage, including any specific items or areas affected.

    This may include damage to furniture, flooring, walls, electronics, or other property within the living room. Provide specifics such as the extent of the damage, how it occurred, and any relevant details.

  2. [ITEM 2]: Detailed description of the damage, including any additional items or areas affected.

    Similar to Item 1, provide specific information about the damage, including its nature, extent, and impact on the living room's condition.

III. Acknowledgement of Damage

The Damager, [YOUR NAME], hereby acknowledges and accepts responsibility for causing the aforementioned damage to the Owner's property. This acknowledgment signifies understanding and admission of fault regarding the damage detailed in Section II of this Agreement.

IV. Release

In consideration for the payments and commitments outlined in Section V, the Owner, [OWNER'S NAME], releases [YOUR NAME] from any liability, claims, actions, damages, costs (including attorney’s fees), or expenses arising from the mentioned damage. This release encompasses damages resulting from negligence or any other legal cause.

This release of liability is a legal agreement that prevents the Owner from pursuing further legal action against the Damager for the specified damages to the living room.

V. Payment

The Damager, [YOUR NAME], agrees to remit the sum of $[SUM] to [OWNER'S NAME] by [DATE].

This payment represents compensation for the damages incurred by the Owner due to the Damager's actions or negligence. The specific amount and payment terms should be clearly stated and agreed upon by both parties.

VI. Governing Law

This Agreement is governed by the laws of [YOUR STATE]. Any disputes arising from or related to this Agreement shall be resolved under the laws and jurisdiction of [YOUR STATE].

VII. Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between [OWNER'S NAME] and [YOUR NAME], superseding any prior written or oral agreements. It outlines the responsibilities, liabilities, and compensation related to the damaged living room and serves as the final and complete agreement between the parties involved.

In witness whereof, the parties hereto execute this Release at [LOCATION] on the date first above written.

Owner’s Signature:


Damager’s Signature:


Witness’s Signature (if applicable):


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