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Photography Release Of Liability


This Photography Release of Liability Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Your Name], residing at [Your Address], (referred to henceforward as the "Photographer"), and [Client's Name], residing at [Client's Address], (referred to henceforward as the "Client") both of whom collectively shall be referred to as the Parties.

I. Parties Involved

The Parties involved in this Agreement are:

The Photographer:

  • Name: [Your Name]

  • Address: [Your Address]

  • Email: [Your Email]

  • Phone: [Your Phone Number]

The Client:

  • Name: [Client's Name]

  • Address: [Client's Address]

  • Email: [Client's Email]

  • Phone: [Client's Phone Number]

II. Services to Be Provided

2.1 Session Details

The Photographer agrees to provide photography services at the following session details:

  • Session Location: [Session Location Name]

  • Address: [Session Location Address]

  • Date: [Session Date]

  • Time: [Session Time]

2.2 Scope of Services

The services will include capturing images and/or videos as per the agreed-upon specifications and requirements outlined by the Client. This may involve photography for personal use, events, commercial projects, or any other purpose mutually agreed upon by both Parties. The Photographer will use professional equipment and techniques to deliver high-quality results.

III. Release and Waiver of Liability

3.1 Acknowledgment of Risks

The Client acknowledges that photography sessions involve inherent risks, including but not limited to accidental damage to equipment, personal injury, or unforeseen circumstances.

3.2 Waiver and Release

By signing this Agreement, the Client unconditionally waives, releases, and discharges the Photographer from any claims, liabilities, demands, actions, causes of actions, costs, and expenses arising from the photography services or any activities during the session, whether due to negligence or otherwise.

3.3 Indemnification

The Client agrees to hold the Photographer harmless and indemnify them against any claims or damages incurred during or as a result of the photography session. This includes but is not limited to damages to equipment, injuries sustained during the session, or disputes arising from the use of the images or videos captured. The Client understands that the Photographer may use the images/videos for promotional purposes unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

IV. Intellectual Property Rights

4.1 Ownership

The Photographer retains all rights, title, and interest in and to the images/videos captured during the session, including but not limited to copyrights and other intellectual property rights.

4.2 Usage Rights

The Client is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the images/videos for personal use or as agreed upon in writing. Commercial use or distribution of the images/videos requires prior written consent from the Photographer.

V. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

5.1 Governing Law

The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be interpreted, and controlled, and any disputes resolved under the jurisdiction of the laws prevalent in [Your State].

5.2 Jurisdiction

Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in [Your City, Your State].

5.3 Legal Costs

Both Parties agree that any legal proceedings shall be conducted in the specified jurisdiction, and any legal costs incurred shall be the responsibility of the party found to be in breach of this Agreement.

VI. Miscellaneous

6.1 Modifications

This Agreement may be subject to modification solely through a written document, which should be signed by both the Parties involved to validate the changes.

6.2 Severability

If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or cannot be enforced, it should be noted that this will not impact the rest of the provisions and will continue in their entirety, maintaining their full force and effect.

6.3 Waiver

The circumstance of not implementing any provision encompassed in this Agreement should not be considered as a waiver of such provision or as a relinquishment of the right to enforce said provision at a future time.

6.4 Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties regarding the subject matter herein and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.

VII. Signatures

By signing below, all Parties acknowledge they have read and understood the terms outlined in this document and agree to be bound by them.

[Your Name]


[Client's Name]


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