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Motorbike Rental Release Of Liability

Motorbike Rental Release of Liability

This Motorbike Rental Release of Liability ("Release") is entered into on [Date] between [Your Name], located at [Your Company Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner"), and [Lessee/Renter's Name], located at [Lessee's Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Lessee").

I. Rental Details

The individual who is the owner has agreed to participate in an arrangement where they will provide for rent their motorbike, the conditions, descriptions, and details of which are provided as follows:

Make and Model:

Yamaha MT-07





License Plate Number:


The Lessee agrees to rent the above motorbike for the period commencing on January 15, 2051, and ending on January 30, 2051 (the "Rental Period").

II. Release of Liability

In consideration of the rental fee paid by the Lessee to the Owner, the sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the Lessee agrees to release and discharge the Owner from any liabilities, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action that may arise from or be related to the rental, use, or operation of the motorbike during the Rental Period. This Release extends to but is not limited to, injuries to persons, including the Lessee, and damages to property.

III. Assumption of Risk

The Lessee acknowledges and fully understands that the operation of a motorbike involves inherent risks that are naturally associated with this activity. These risks include, but are not limited to, the potential for accidents to occur, physical injury of varying degrees, and in some extreme cases, even death. This broad understanding of the risks associated with operating a motorbike extends to the Lessee voluntarily taking on the responsibility and assumption of any risks that may potentially arise from the operation and use of the rented motorbike. This applies throughout the Rental Period.

IV. Responsibilities of Lessee

IV.I Care and Maintenance: The individual or party referred to as the Lessee, who is renting the motorbike, hereby agrees and commits to utilize the aforementioned motorbike in a careful, thoughtful, and lawful manner. This includes upholding and following all relevant laws and guidelines that apply to its use. Moreover, the Lessee promises to assume responsibility for the maintenance of the motorbike, taking all necessary steps to ensure that it remains in a state of good repair and condition. This agreement is applicable throughout the entirety of the period during which the motorbike is rented, also known as the Rental Period.

IV.II Compliance with Laws: The individual who is renting, also referred to as the Lessee, agrees with understanding and commits to adhering and maintaining compliance with all laws applicable and all regulations that have been established that pertain to the operation of the motorbike.

IV.II Indemnification: The individual or party acting as the Lessee for the motorbike is entering into an agreement where they accept to take responsibility for and ensure against any claims, liabilities, or damages that might arise or occur about their use or operation of the motorbike. This agreement explicitly articulates the Lessee's obligation to safeguard the Owner from bearing any of these potential burdens or losses.

V. Insurance

The individual or entity who is leasing, hereby known as the Lessee, hereby recognizes and accepts that it falls under their responsibility to secure any essential insurance coverage that may be needed for the motorbike they are leasing. This responsibility and requirement to obtain relevant insurance coverage for the motorbike extends throughout the entire duration of the agreed-upon Rental Period.

VI. Miscellaneous

VI.I Governing Law: The regulations and interpretations applicable to this Release shall be both governed and understood by the laws that prevail in the identified [State/Country].

VI.II Entire Agreement: This Release serves as the whole and complete agreement between the involved parties about the subject matter discussed in this context. It effectively replaces and nullifies all previous agreements, comprehensions, negotiations, and discussions held before this. This holds irrespective of whether these past communications were carried out orally or documented in written format.

VI.III Severability: If any provision contained within this Release is discovered to be invalid or cannot be enforced, it should be understood that this will not nullify the remaining provisions. The validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be impacted or diminished in any way, and they will continue to be in place with full force and effect.


The Lessee acknowledges that they have read and understood this Motorbike Rental Release of Liability and voluntarily agree to its terms and conditions.

Lessee's Signature:



Owner's Signature:



Witness's Signature (if applicable):



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