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Services Release of Liability


I. Introduction

This Release of Liability ("Release") is executed this day, by and between [Customer's Full Name] (hereinafter "Customer") and [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (hereinafter "Company"), about the repair services to be provided by the Company for the customer's electronic device.

II. Release of Claims

In consideration for the services to be rendered by the Company, the customer does hereby release and forever discharge the Company, its agents, employees, successors and assigns, and any other person, firm, or corporations liable or who might be liable, from any claims, demands, damages, actions, causes of action or suits of any kind or nature whatsoever, that result from the repair services provided including, but not limited to, further damage to the electronic device or data loss.

III. Consideration

The customer has agreed to pay the company for services rendered based on current rates, rules, and regulations.

III.I Acknowledgment of Compensation Agreement: The customer and Company agree that the customer will pay the Company for repairs based on the Company's current rates, rules, and regulations. The customer accepts these payment terms by signing the service release form.

III.II Understanding of Service Terms and Conditions:By signing the liability form, the customer confirms understanding, acceptance, and compliance with the Company's terms for repair services including liability limitations and warranty disclaimers.

III.III Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability: By signing the service liability form, the customer assumes all repair-related risks, including further damage or data loss, and agrees not to make any claims against the Company, except in cases of gross negligence or misconduct.

IV. Acknowledgement of Understanding

The customer hereby acknowledges and confirms that he or she has carefully read, understood, and comprehended the content of this Release of Liability. Furthermore, the customer also expresses his or her agreement to be bound by and comply with the terms and conditions as outlined in this document.

V. Assumption of Risk

The customer assumes all risks, known and unknown, foreseeable and unforeseeable, in any way connected with the service to be provided by the Company.

V.I Hardware Damage: The customer acknowledges the possibility of hardware damage during the repair process. This includes but is not limited to components malfunctioning or becoming inoperable due to the repair procedures undertaken by the company.

V.II Data Loss: The customer understands the risk of potential data loss during the repair process. This encompasses the loss of any stored data, including personal files, applications, or settings, due to technical issues, human error, or unforeseen circumstances.

V.III Third-Party Components: The customer accepts the risk associated with the use of third-party components during the repair. While the company endeavors to use high-quality components, there is a possibility of unforeseen compatibility issues or defects in these components that may impact the device's performance or functionality.

V.IV Software Issues: The customer acknowledges the potential for software-related issues to arise post-repair. This includes but is not limited to software glitches, compatibility issues, or changes in system behavior due to the repair procedures performed by the company.

V.V External Factors: The customer recognizes that external factors beyond the company's control may affect the repair process and the device's functionality thereafter. Such factors may include power surges, environmental conditions, or accidents occurring post-repair, which could impact the device's performance or cause further damage.

VI. Indemnification

The customer acknowledges and agrees to take full responsibility to reimburse and guard the Company against any financial harm should any claims, lawsuits, or actions of any kind whatsoever arise, potentially holding the Company accountable for any liabilities, losses, or expenditures, inclusive of but not limited to court costs and attorney's fees that may have been spent. This agreement applies especially in circumstances where these claims, lawsuits, or actions are directly connected to or result from, the service that the Company has provided.

VII. Severability

If any particular provision contained within this Release is to be judged or considered as either illegal or unenforceable as per the applicable law, it's important to note that such a provision shall be detached or separated from this Release. After severance of the perceived illegal or unenforceable provision, it should be understood that the rest of the other provisions retained within this Release shall remain fully enforceable and their capacity to be enforced shall not be in any way hampered, compromised, or impaired.

VIII. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Release shall be governed by [The Relevant State's Laws], and any litigation concerning this Release will take place in [Your City, Your State].

Your Company Name Signature:

[Your Company Name]

[Date Signed]

Customer's Signature:

[Customer's Name]

[Date Signed]

Witness’s Signature (if applicable):

[Witness’s Name]

[Date Signed]

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