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Massage Therapist Waiver Release Of Liability

Massage Therapist Waiver Release of Liability

I, [Client's Full Name], hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this Massage Therapist Waiver Release of Liability ("Waiver") with [Your Name] ("Therapist") providing massage therapy services.

I. Client Information

Full Name:

[Client's Full Name]

Date of Birth:

[Client's Date of Birth]


[Client's Address]

Phone Number:

[Client's Phone Number]

Email Address:

[Client's Email Address]

II. Therapy Details

I comprehend the fact that the massage therapy services that I am currently benefitting from are being rendered to me by [Your Name]. The primary purpose of receiving such massage therapy services is to assist me in achieving a state of relaxation, effectively reducing my stress levels, and simultaneously helping alleviate any muscular tension and pain that I may be suffering.

III. Acknowledgment of Risks

I acknowledge and accept the inherent risks and potential complications associated with massage therapy, including soreness, bruising, allergic reactions, and rare serious injuries. I understand that the therapist will exercise reasonable care to minimize these risks during the sessions. By agreeing to undergo massage therapy, I release the therapist from liability except in cases of gross negligence or misconduct.

IV. Release of Liability

In consideration of receiving massage therapy services, I voluntarily release, waive, and forever discharge [Your Name], the massage therapy business, and any affiliated persons or entities from any claims, demands, or causes of action, that may arise out of or relate to the massage therapy session. This release specifically includes, without limitation, any claims for negligence, gross negligence, or misconduct, except for cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct.

V. Assumption of Risks

I fully comprehend and willingly consent to the fact that there are certain risks inherently associated with partaking in massage therapy which I am voluntarily assuming. Having had all the potential risks, possible benefits, and foreseeable complications related to the massage services thoroughly explained to me, I acknowledge that I have been adequately informed.

VI. Indemnification

I hereby concur to indemnify and exempt [Your Name], their associated massage therapy business, as well as their respective agents, employees, and representatives from any legal or financial obligation, consequences, or expenses that may arise directly or indirectly as a result of my acceptance, engagement with, and utilization of the provided massage therapy services.

VII. Informed Consent

By placing my signature below, I am hereby certifying that I am indeed above the age of eighteen years and am fully competent to affix my signature to this Waiver. I have been served with a fair opportunity to raise queries and seek elucidation regarding the terms and conditions contained in this Waiver. My voluntary consent to and recognition of all these stated terms is reflected in my act of signing this document below.

Client's Signature:



Witness's Signature (if applicable):



I acknowledge and accept the inherent risks and potential complications associated with massage therapy, including soreness, bruising, allergic reactions, and rare serious injuries. I understand that the therapist will exercise reasonable care to minimize these risks during the sessions. By agreeing to undergo massage therapy, I release the therapist from liability except in cases of gross negligence or misconduct.

Therapist's Signature:



Important Note: This Massage Therapist Waiver Release of Liability is a legally binding document. It is important to read and understand all terms before signing. If there are any questions or concerns about this Waiver, please seek legal advice before proceeding.

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