Ontario Affidavit For Divorce

Ontario Affidavit For Divorce


I, [YOUR NAME], of the City of [CITY NAME], in Ontario, Canada, make an oath and say as follows:


  1. I am the Applicant in the divorce proceedings between myself and [SPOUSE'S NAME], currently pending before [COURT NAME].

  2. The purpose of this Affidavit is to provide the grounds for divorce as required by the laws of Ontario.

  3. The grounds for divorce as stated in this Affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

  4. The grounds for divorce in this case are based on the breakdown of the marriage, as outlined in section 8 of the Divorce Act (Canada), which provides that a breakdown of a marriage is established if:

    • The spouses have lived separate and apart for at least one year immediately preceding the determination of the divorce proceedings; or

    • The spouse against whom the divorce proceeding is brought has committed adultery or cruelty.

  5. In this case, the grounds for divorce are based on the fact that myself and [SPOUSE'S NAME] have lived separately and apart for a continuous period of at least one year preceding the commencement of these divorce proceedings.

  6. We ceased to cohabit as spouses on or about [SEPARATION DATE], and since that time, we have lived separately and apart without any intention of reconciling our marriage.

  7. There have been no periods of reconciliation between myself and [SPOUSE'S NAME] during the one-year separation period referred to above.

  8. Therefore, I respectfully request the Court to grant a divorce on the grounds of the breakdown of the marriage as outlined in this Affidavit.




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