Free Affidavit of Identity Template



Free Affidavit of Identity Template

Affidavit of Identity


I, [YOUR NAME], residing at [YOUR ADDRESS], do solemnly affirm and declare under penalty of perjury as follows:

Statement of Facts

  1. I am of legal age and competent to make this affidavit.

  2. On [DATE], I became aware that my identification document(s), specifically my driver's license and social security card, were lost or stolen.

  3. Despite diligent efforts, I have been unable to locate or recover the aforementioned identification document(s).

  4. I hereby affirm that the information provided in this affidavit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

  5. I understand the seriousness of making a false statement in this affidavit and acknowledge that any such false statement may subject me to legal penalties.

  6. I acknowledge that I am signing this affidavit voluntarily and without coercion.

  7. I further declare that I am the individual whose identity is being affirmed in this affidavit.


Signed this [DATE].



Notary Public

This Affidavit of Identity should be signed in the presence of a notary public or other authorized official who can administer oaths. Once signed and notarized, the document can be submitted to the relevant government agency to inform them about the lost or stolen identification.

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