Idaho Affidavit of Identity

Idaho Affidavit of Identity


I, [YOUR NAME], born on [YOUR BIRTH DATE], residing at [YOUR ADDRESS], do hereby solemnly affirm and declare under penalty of perjury, being of lawful age and sound mind, that the following statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief:

Statement of Facts

  1. I am the individual whose name appears herein, and I am executing this Affidavit of Identity for the purpose of verifying my identity in connection with legal proceedings.

  2. I understand the significance and legal consequences of this Affidavit, and I am voluntarily providing this affirmation of my identity.

  3. I hereby certify that the personal information provided in this Affidavit, including my full name, date of birth, address, and any other pertinent details, is accurate and current.

  4. I acknowledge that any false statements or misrepresentations made in this Affidavit may subject me to civil or criminal penalties under the laws of the State of Idaho.

  5. I further affirm that I am fully aware of the legal implications of executing this Affidavit of Identity and that I am not under any duress, coercion, or undue influence to do so.

  6. I understand that this Affidavit of Identity may be relied upon by government agencies or other authorized entities in connection with legal proceedings, and I authorize the disclosure of my personal information contained herein for such purposes.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal on this [DATE].


Sworn to and subscribed before me this [DATE].


Notary Public, State of Idaho

My Commission Expires:                               

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