Free Postpartum Doula Release Of Liability Template



Free Postpartum Doula Release Of Liability Template

Postpartum Doula Release Of Liability

This Postpartum Doula Release of Liability ("Agreement") is made effective as of [date]. The agreement is brought into existence collaboratively by [Client Name], who will henceforth be known as the 'Client', and [Doula Agency Name], who will be referred to as the 'Agency' within the context of this agreement.

1. Services Provided

The agency has agreed to provide doula services aimed at postpartum care to the client. This provision of services follows the terms and conditions that have been clearly outlined in the Postpartum Doula Services Agreement which has been mutually entered into and agreed upon by both the agency and the client.

2. Assumption of Risks

The client hereby clearly recognizes and fully comprehends that there are innate dangers and potential harms associated with the provision of postpartum doula services. Such services being offered may culminate into a plethora of varying risks which are not confined to, but could very well incorporate potential injuries, illnesses, or the occurrence of other unfavorable outcomes.

The possibilities of such adverse ramifications are a reality, some of which are foreseeable, while others may not be anticipated or predictable. These inherent dangers could eventuate as a direct result, consequence, or byproduct of the service delivery by the agency.

3. Release and Waiver of Liability

The client, in representation of themselves, as well as for their heirs, successors in interests, assigned individuals, and personal representatives, hereby and henceforth provides an unambiguous, all-encompassing release and waiver. The client unconditionally absolves both the Agency and its array of officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives from any type of liabilities, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action that might come into existence.

This release extends to include anything that arises, directly or indirectly, out of the service provision or about the postpartum doula services rendered by the aforementioned Agency.

4. Indemnification

The client acknowledges and consents to bear the responsibility for any claims, defenses, and exempting the agency and all its associated individuals including its officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives from any legal responsibility in the event of any liabilities, damages suffered, losses incurred, costs incurred, expenditures extended, which would also cover reasonable fees for attorneys.

These conditions would apply in cases where they are a result of or are linked to any claim or legal action instituted by any third party. This stipulation is particularly relevant when such a claim or legal action emerges as a result of or is concerning the postpartum doula services that are provided to the client by the agency.

5. Acknowledgment of Voluntary Agreement

The client has expressed and confirmed their understanding of the fact that they have read this Agreement meticulously, with a clear and full understanding of all conditions and stipulations outlined herein.

Additionally, they also recognize that they are committing to this Agreement of their own volition, without any form of coercion or outside pressure influencing them, and are doing so under their autonomous judgment.

6. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of [State/Country].

7. Entire Agreement

This Agreement serves as the comprehensive scope of the agreement between the involved parties concerning the subject matter laid out herein. It effectively replaces and renders obsolete any previous or existing agreements or understandings, whether they were established in writing or verbally communicated, that are associated with the same subject matter.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Release of Liability as of the date first above written.

[Client Name]


[Doula Agency Name]


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