Police Affidavit

Police Affidavit

State of [State/Province]

County of [County Name]


I, [YOUR NAME], being duly sworn, depose and state:

Statement of Facts:

  1. I am a law enforcement officer with the [Police Department], having been employed there for [Number of Years/Months] years/months.

  2. I have received training in [Specify Training], and have been involved in [Number of Cases] investigations related to [Type of Crimes].

  3. The information contained in this affidavit pertains to Case Number [Case Number], involving [Brief Description of the Case/Crime].

  4. The individual in question is named [Subject's Name], born on [DOB].

  5. The current residence of the subject is listed as [Subject's Address].

  6. Physically, the subject is described as being:

  • Height: [Height]

  • Weight: [Weight]

  • Hair Color: [Hair Color]

  • Eye Color: [Eye Color]

  1. Notable distinguishing marks include [any distinguishing marks].

  2. This information serves to accurately identify the subject in relation to the case under investigation.

  3. [Address/Description of Location], further described as [Additional Details about the Location].

  4. The search is to include, but not limited to, [List Items to be Searched for and Seized].

  5. On [Date], information was received from [Source of Information], indicating that [Specific Information Received].

  6. Surveillance conducted on [Dates of Surveillance] revealed [Observations Supporting Probable Cause].

  7. [Additional Evidence] supports the belief that [Subject's Name] is involved in [Specific Criminal Activity].

  8. Based on the foregoing, I believe there is probable cause to issue a warrant for the search of [Specify Location] and the seizure of [Specify Items].

  9. The search will yield evidence of [Specify Crimes or Criminal Activity].


I affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this [Day] of [Month], [Year].




Affidavit Templates @ Template.net