Free Parental Permission Medical Consent Release Of Liability Template



Free Parental Permission Medical Consent Release Of Liability Template

Parental Permission Medical Consent Release Of Liability

This Parental Permission Medical Consent Release Of Liability Agreement is made and entered into this [Date] by and between [School Name] located at 3835 Brannon Street Los Angeles, CA 90057, and the undersigned,[Parent/Guardian’s Name].

I. Authorization for Medical Treatment

I, [Parent/Guardian Name], hereby authorize [School Name], its staff, and any accompanying adults to consent to any medical treatment deemed necessary for my child, [Student's Name], during any school trip organized by the school. This authorization extends to emergency medical treatment, including but not limited to first aid, administration of medication, and transportation to a medical facility.

II. Release of Liability

I [Parent/Guardian Name], understand and acknowledge that while [School Name] and its staff will take all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of my child during school trips or outings, accidents, injuries, illnesses, or other unforeseen incidents may occur.

Therefore, I [Parent/Guardian Name] release and discharge [School Name], its employees, agents, volunteers, and representatives from any liability for any injury, illness, or other medical condition my child may sustain during the school trip or outing.

III. Assumption of Risk

I [Parent/Guardian Name], understand that participation in school trips or outings involves inherent risks, including but not limited to risks associated with transportation, outdoor activities, and exposure to unfamiliar environments.

I [Parent/Guardian Name], wish to affirm my comprehension and acknowledgment that my child's involvement in these activities is entirely optional, not obligatory. I'm also prepared to take on all possible hazards, difficulties, or risks innately linked to, or that might arise directly from their participation in these events.

IV. Medical Information Disclosure

I [Parent/Guardian Name], hereby affirm and declare that all the medical information I have provided above regarding my child's health is, to the best of my awareness and understanding, both accurate and complete.

Additionally, I [Parent/Guardian Name] freely give my consent and assent, confirming that I will ensure to inform the institution, [School Name], with urgency and without delay, regarding any updates or alterations that may occur concerning my child's medical condition or if there are any revisions in the contact information for emergencies.

V. Duration of Authorization

This particular Release of Liability, which I have agreed upon, will remain effective and valid for the entire duration of my child's enrollment at [School Name].

This will continue to remain the case unless I make a conscious decision to revoke this Release of Liability. If such revocation occurs, it will be formalized through a written statement initiated from my side.

I have read and understood the contents of this Parental Permission Medical Consent Release of Liability and voluntarily agree to its terms and conditions.

[Parent/Guardian Name]


[School Representative]


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