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Property Management Procedure Manual

Property Management Procedure Manual

Date: [DATE]

I. Introduction

Welcome to the [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Property Management Procedure Manual. This manual serves as a comprehensive guide for all personnel involved in property management operations. It outlines the standard procedures and protocols to ensure efficient and effective management of properties under our care.


[YOUR COMPANY NAME] is a leading property management firm dedicated to providing exceptional services to property owners, tenants, and stakeholders. With [NUMBER OF YEARS] years of experience in the industry, we specialize in maximizing the value of properties while maintaining high standards of professionalism and integrity.

III. Property Management Team

Our property management team is comprised of experienced professionals dedicated to delivering top-notch service to our clients. Below is a list of key personnel and their roles:

  • [YOUR NAME], [YOUR POSITION]: Responsible for overseeing overall property management operations, including strategic planning and client relations.

  • [TEAM MEMBER 1 NAME], [TEAM MEMBER 1 POSITION]: Manages day-to-day operations, including tenant communications and lease administration.

  • [TEAM MEMBER 2 NAME], [TEAM MEMBER 2 POSITION]: Handles maintenance requests, vendor management, and property inspections.

  • [TEAM MEMBER 3 NAME], [TEAM MEMBER 3 POSITION]: Specializes in financial management, including rent collection, budgeting, and reporting.

IV. Standard Operating Procedures

A. Tenant Management

  • Leasing Process

  1. Prospective tenant inquiries should be promptly addressed by the leasing team.

  2. Showings should be scheduled and conducted in a professional manner, highlighting the property's features and amenities.

  • Lease Administration

  1. All lease agreements should be reviewed and signed by both parties, with copies provided to tenants and property management.

  2. Rent payments should be collected on time, with late fees enforced as per the lease terms.

B. Maintenance and Repairs

  • Maintenance Requests

  1. Tenants should submit maintenance requests through [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s online portal or by contacting the maintenance department directly.

  2. Requests should be categorized based on urgency and addressed within [NUMBER] business days.

  • Vendor Management

  1. Qualified vendors should be selected based on their reputation, pricing, and responsiveness.

  2. Contracts with vendors should clearly outline scope of work, timelines, and payment terms.

V. Emergency Procedures

In case of emergencies such as fire, flood, or security incidents, the following procedures should be followed:

A. Emergency Contacts




B. Evacuation Plan

  • All tenants and staff should be familiar with the property's evacuation routes and assembly points.

  • Regular evacuation drills should be conducted to ensure preparedness in case of emergencies.

VI. Financial Management

A. Rent Collection

  • Billing and Invoicing

  1. Rent invoices should be generated and sent to tenants in a timely manner, detailing the amount due, due date, and payment methods.

  2. Payment reminders should be sent to tenants who have not paid by the due date.

  • Late Payments

  1. Late fees should be applied according to the terms outlined in the lease agreement.

  2. Delinquent accounts should be followed up promptly, with appropriate actions taken to recover outstanding balances.

B. Budgeting and Reporting

  • Budget Preparation

  1. Annual budgets should be prepared in collaboration with property owners, taking into account operating expenses, capital improvements, and projected income.

  2. Budgets should be reviewed and approved by all relevant stakeholders before implementation.

  • Financial Reporting

  1. Monthly financial reports should be prepared and distributed to property owners, providing transparency on income, expenses, and overall financial performance.

  2. Reports should be analyzed to identify trends, variances, and opportunities for improvement.

VII. Legal and Regulatory Compliance

A. Lease Agreements

  • Lease Preparation

  1. Lease agreements should be drafted in compliance with local, state, and federal laws, outlining rights and responsibilities of both landlords and tenants.

  2. Legal review may be necessary to ensure adherence to relevant regulations.

  • Lease Renewals

  1. Renewal options should be communicated to tenants in a timely manner, with negotiations conducted as needed to finalize terms.

  2. Renewal agreements should be documented and signed by both parties.

B. Fair Housing

Non-Discrimination Policy

  • [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is committed to adhering to fair housing laws and regulations, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, or disability.

  • Training on fair housing practices should be provided to all staff members to ensure compliance and prevent discriminatory actions.

VIII. Communication and Customer Service

A. Tenant Communication

  1. Regular Updates

  • Tenants should be kept informed of any changes or developments related to their tenancy, such as maintenance schedules, policy updates, or community events.

  • Communication channels may include email newsletters, bulletin boards, or community meetings.

  1. Issue Resolution

  • Tenant concerns or complaints should be addressed promptly and professionally, with a focus on finding satisfactory resolutions to maintain tenant satisfaction.

B. Owner Communication

Performance Reports

  • Property owners should receive regular performance reports outlining key metrics such as occupancy rates, rent collection, and maintenance expenses.

  • Reports should be customized to meet the specific needs and preferences of each property owner.

IX. Conclusion

Thank you for referring to the [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Property Management Procedure Manual. By following the guidelines outlined in this manual, we aim to ensure the efficient and effective management of properties under our care while upholding the highest standards of professionalism and service excellence.

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