Free Nursing Home Sharps Injury Log Template

Nursing Home Sharps Injury Log

This document serves as a comprehensive log designed to track and document instances of sharps injuries within our nursing home facility. It aims to ensure the well-being and safety of both our staff and residents by identifying patterns, implementing preventative measures, and fostering an environment of continuous improvement and compliance with health and safety regulations.

1. Incident Details

This section is dedicated to recording the immediate details of any sharps injury incident. Precise documentation includes the incident's timing, the sharp type involved, injury specifics, the person involved, and the exact location within our facility. Such detailed recording aids in swift response and future preventive measures.

Incident Date

Incident Time

Sharp Type

Injury Details


Incident Location



Insulin Needle

Minor puncture on thumb


Resident Room 105

2. Circumstances of Incident

In this section, we delve into the context of the injury, documenting the sequence of events leading up to the incident, any witnesses, immediate actions taken, and the adherence to relevant procedures and protective measures at the time. Understanding these circumstances is essential for mitigating future risks.

Incident Circumstances

Immediate Actions Taken


Relevant Procedures

Protective Equipment Used

Administering insulin, needle slipped during cap removal

Washed area, reported to supervisor


Insulin administration protocol


3. Follow-up Actions

This section outlines the steps taken after the incident to address and rectify the situation, including corrective actions, responsible parties, and the timeline for these actions. It also notes any changes in procedures or protocols to prevent future incidents, emphasizing our commitment to safety and continuous improvement.

Corrective Actions

Responsible Party

Action Completion Date

Protocol Changes

Additional Notes

Training on safe handling of insulin needles



Updated insulin administration protocol to include reinforced training on needle handling

Follow-up training scheduled for all nursing staff

Prepared By: [Your Name]

This Nursing Home Sharps Injury Log is a foundational tool for fostering a culture of safety, accountability, and continuous learning within our facility. Through diligent recording and analysis, we are committed to protecting our community and maintaining the highest standards of care and safety.

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