Free Defective Notary Acknowledgement Template



Free Defective Notary Acknowledgement Template

Defective Notary Acknowledgement

I. Introduction

This Defective Notary Acknowledgement has been created and is now being put into place to correct any mistakes or oversights that may have occurred in a notarization that was executed previously. The purpose of this document is to ensure that all information is accurate and complete, providing a remedy for any potential inaccuracies or missing data detected in the original notarization.

II. Certification Section

  • Date of Original Notarization: [Date]

  • Names of Parties Involved:

    1. Signer: [Signer's Name]

    2. Notary Public: [Notary Public Name]

III. Identification

  • Description of Identity Proof Presented: e.g. ID card, passport

  • Details of Identity Proof: [ID number]

IV. Acknowledgment

A confirmation was indeed received. This confirmation served to verify that Signe, the subject in question, has acknowledged and recognized the execution of the original legal or financial document in a proper, authentic, and formal manner.

Capacity in Which Signer Acted: An individual who serves as a representative or delegate, acting on behalf of a specific organization, community, or group.

V. Witness Details (if applicable)

Name: [Witness Name]

Address: [Witness Address]

VI. Signature of Notary

Name: [Notary Public Name]

Date: [Date of Notarization]

Notary Seal:
[Attach Notary Seal Here]

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