Free Real Estate Closing Notary Template



Free Real Estate Closing Notary Template

Real Estate Closing Notary

I. Introduction

This document certifies the legality and validity of the closing process for a real estate transaction conducted between [Your Name] and [Buyer Name]. The following details outline the terms of the agreement and confirm the authenticity of the signatures affixed hereto.

II. Parties Involved

The parties involved in this real estate transaction are as follows:

  • [Your Name]: The individual(s) or entity selling the real estate property.

  • [Buyer Name]: The individual(s) or entity purchasing the real estate property.

  • [Your Company Name]: The company responsible for conducting the title search and facilitating the transfer of title.

III. Agreement Details

A. Property Information

  • Property Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA

  • Legal Description: Lot 45, Block 7, Oakwood Subdivision, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 123, Page 456, of the County Recorder's Office of Any County, State of [State].

  • Parcel Number: 123-456-789-012

B. Terms of Agreement

  1. Purchase Price: $300,000

  2. Closing Date: April 30, 2050

  3. Contingencies:

  • Buyer's satisfactory inspection of the property.

  • Approval of financing by the buyer's lender.

  • Seller providing clear title to the property.

C. Additional Terms

  • Inspection Contingency: Buyer shall have [14] days from the effective date of the contract to conduct inspections of the property, including but not limited to, a general home inspection, pest inspection, and radon testing. If the inspections reveal any issues that are unacceptable to the buyer, the buyer may request repairs or credits from the seller, or terminate the contract.

  • Financing Contingency: This transaction is contingent upon the buyer obtaining a mortgage loan with an interest rate not to exceed [5]% for a term of [1] years, with a loan amount of not less than $[50,000]. If the buyer is unable to obtain financing on or before [Date], the contract may be terminated at the buyer's discretion, and the earnest money shall be refunded to the buyer.

  • Other Agreed Upon Terms:

  1. Seller to provide a one-year home warranty at seller's expense.

  2. Closing costs are to be split equally between the buyer and seller.

  3. All appliances and fixtures currently installed in the property are included in the sale.

  4. Possession of the property shall be granted to the buyer upon closing and funding.

IV. Signatures

The undersigned parties hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this Real Estate Closing Notary:

Printed Name of Buyer: [Buyer's Name]

Date: [Date Signed]

Printed Name of Notary Public: [Your Name]

Date: [Date Signed]

Notary Seal (if applicable): [Seal]

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