Free Onboarding SOP Template



Free Onboarding SOP Template

Onboarding SOP

I. Objective:

The objective of this SOP is to provide a detailed guide for the Human Resources (HR) department and relevant stakeholders to ensure a consistent and thorough onboarding process for all new employees.

II. Scope:

This SOP applies to all new employees of [Your Company Name] and covers the entire onboarding process from pre-arrival to the first 90 days of employment.

III. Responsibilities:

  • HR Department: Responsible for coordinating the onboarding process, ensuring all necessary documents are completed, and conducting orientation sessions.

  • Hiring Manager: Responsible for welcoming the new employee, providing department-specific training, and ensuring the employee's integration into the team.

  • IT Department: Responsible for setting up computer systems, email accounts, and access to necessary software.

  • Facilities Management: Responsible for preparing the workspace and providing necessary equipment.

IV. Procedure:

  1. Pre-Arrival:

    • HR sends a welcome email to the new employee with details about their first day, including time, location, and any documents to bring.

    • HR prepares the employee's workspace, including computer setup, desk assignment, and necessary equipment.

    • HR ensures all necessary paperwork, including employment contracts, tax forms, and company policies, are completed and ready for the employee's arrival.

  2. Day 1 - Orientation:

    • HR conducts a comprehensive orientation session covering company history, culture, policies, benefits, and expectations.

    • HR provides the employee with an employee handbook and reviews key policies and procedures.

    • HR facilitates introductions to key team members and provides a tour of the facilities.

  3. First Week - Training and Integration:

    • The hiring manager provides department-specific training, including job responsibilities, expectations, and performance goals.

    • The employee is introduced to their team and provided with opportunities to shadow colleagues and learn about team dynamics.

    • HR schedules check-in meetings with the employee to address any questions or concerns.

  4. First 30 Days - Performance Review:

    • The hiring manager conducts a performance review to assess the employee's progress, provide feedback, and set goals for the next 30 days.

    • HR ensures the employee has completed all required training modules and certifications.

  5. First 90 Days - Ongoing Support:

    • HR conducts a formal performance review at the end of the probationary period to evaluate the employee's performance and suitability for continued employment.

    • HR provides ongoing support to the employee, addressing any issues or concerns that may arise during the probationary period.

V. Documentation and Record Keeping:

  • HR maintains accurate records of the onboarding process, including signed documents, training records, and performance evaluations.

  • HR reviews the onboarding process regularly to identify areas for improvement and ensure compliance with company policies and legal requirements.

VI. Review and Approval:

This SOP shall be reviewed annually by the HR department to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with company policies and legal requirements. Any updates or revisions shall be approved by the HR Manager before implementation.

VII. Revision History:

Version 1.0 - [Date]: Initial SOP creation

Version 1.1 - [Date]: Updated the training schedule template to include additional training modules

VIII. References:

  • Employee Handbook

  • Company Policies and Procedures Manual

  • Employment Contracts

  • Tax Forms

  • Training Modules

  • Performance Evaluation Forms

IX. Attachments:

  • New Employee Onboarding Checklist

  • Employee Handbook Acknowledgement Form

  • Training Schedule Template

  • Performance Evaluation Form

X. Approval:

This SOP is approved by:

[Your Name], HR Manager

XI. Distribution:

  • HR Department

  • Hiring Managers

  • IT Department

  • Facilities Management

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