Free Notary Public Journal Template



Free Notary Public Journal Template

Notary Public Journal

I. Journal Information

  • Notary: [Your Name]

  • Notary Commission Number: [Your Commission Number]

  • Commission Expiration Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

II. Notarial Act Details

  1. Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

  2. Time: [HH: MM AM/PM]

  3. Type of Notarial Act:

  • Acknowledgment

  • Jurat

  • Oath or Affirmation

  • Copy Certification

  • Signature Witnessing

  • Other (Specify): [Specify Type]

  1. Document Type: [Type of Document Notarized]

  2. Signatory Name(s):

    • Principal: [Principal Signatory Name]

    • Other Party: [Other Party Name(s)]

  3. Identification Presented:

    • Type of ID: [Type of Identification Document]

    • ID Number: [ID Number]

    • Issued By: [Issuing Authority]

    • Date of Issuance: [MM/DD/YYYY]

    • Expiration Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

  4. Additional Notes: [Additional Information or Remarks]

III. Signatures

Notary Signature:

Signatory Signature(s)


IV. Confirmation

Confirmation of Identity:

  • Personally Known

  • Satisfactory Evidence of Identity

  • Credible Witness(es) (Specify): [Name(s) of Witness(es)]

Method of Identification:

  • Examination of ID

  • Reliance on ID Issuer

  • Credible Witness(es)

  • Fee Charged: [Amount Charged, if applicable] -

  • Mode of Payment: [Payment Method]

V. Journal Entry Number:

[Entry Number]

VI. Receipt

Received by: [Your Company Name]

Date Received: [MM/DD/YYYY]

This journal entry is a true and accurate record of the notarial act performed by me on the date stated above.

[Your Name]
Notary Public
[Your Company Name]

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