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Basic SOP

Basic Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

I. Objective

This SOP outlines the steps and guidelines for receiving, sorting, and distributing incoming mail efficiently and accurately.

II. Scope

This procedure applies to all designated personnel responsible for handling incoming mail at [Your Company Name].

III. Responsibility

The Office Administrator or designated personnel are responsible for implementing and maintaining this SOP.

IV. Procedure

4.1 Mail Reception

  • Position yourself at the designated mail reception area during scheduled mail delivery times.

  • Receive incoming mail from the courier or postal service representative.

  • Sign for any registered or certified mail as required.

4.2 Sorting and Initial Processing

(a) Step 1: Sort incoming mail into categories (e.g., interoffice mail, regular mail, packages).

  • Use designated sorting bins or trays for each category.

  • Separate urgent or priority mail for immediate attention.

(b) Step 2: Open regular mail using a letter opener or designated tools.

  • Exercise caution to avoid damaging contents.

  • Discard any unnecessary packaging materials responsibly.

4.3 Documenting and Recording

  • Log all incoming mail into the designated mail tracking system or logbook.

  • Record sender information, recipient details, and any relevant tracking or reference numbers.

4.4 Distribution and Routing

(a) Step 1: Route interoffice mail to respective departments or recipients based on internal distribution lists.

  • Use mail carts or trays to organize and deliver interoffice mail efficiently.

  • Obtain signatures or acknowledgments as required for tracking.

(b) Step 2: Place regular mail and packages in designated mail slots or distribution areas.

  • Ensure accurate labeling with recipient names or department details.

  • Notify recipients of package arrivals via email or internal communication channels.

4.5 Follow-Up Actions

  • Address any mail discrepancies or issues promptly.

  • Notify supervisors or designated personnel of any urgent or sensitive mail items.

V. Safety Considerations

  • Wear appropriate hand protection when handling mail to prevent paper cuts or injuries.

  • Exercise caution when opening packages to avoid exposure to sharp objects or hazardous materials.

VI. Notes

  • Incoming mail should be processed promptly upon receipt to ensure timely distribution.

  • All personnel handling mail must adhere to confidentiality and data protection policies.

VII. Approval

[Approver’s Name]

[Approver’s Role]

[Approval Date]

VIII. Revision History




Summary of Changes



[Author's Name]

The initial draft of the SOP created



[Reviewer's Name]

Updated SOP based on feedback

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