Discharge Summary for Fracture

Discharge Summary for Fracture

I. Patient Information

[Patient's Name]: [Enter patient's full name]
[Date of Birth]: [Enter patient's date of birth]
[Medical Record Number]: [Enter patient's medical record number]
[Admission Date]: [Enter admission date]
[Discharge Date]: [Enter discharge date]
[Admitting Physician]: [Enter admitting physician's name]
[Primary Care Physician]: [Enter primary care physician's name]

The patient, [Patient's Name], a [Age]-year-old, was admitted to [Your Hospital Name] on [Admission Date] following a [Type of Fracture] fracture of the [Affected Bone]. The patient underwent surgical repair and was managed conservatively post-operatively. After a successful recovery, the patient was discharged home on [Discharge Date].

II. Diagnosis and Treatment

A. Diagnosis

  • Fracture Type: [Enter type of fracture]

  • Affected Bone: [Enter name of affected bone]

  • Procedure: [Enter surgical procedure performed]

B. Treatment

The patient was initially managed with pain control, immobilization, and close monitoring of neurovascular status. Surgical intervention was performed to realign and stabilize the fracture. Post-operatively, the patient received [Type of Rehabilitation] rehabilitation to promote optimal healing and functional recovery. Medications included [List of prescribed medications] for pain management and prophylaxis against infection.

III. Hospital Course

A. Surgical Procedure

The surgical procedure involved [Description of surgical procedure]. Intraoperatively, there were no complications, and the fracture was successfully stabilized using [Type of fixation] fixation.

B. Post-operative Management

Post-operatively, the patient was monitored closely for signs of infection, compartment syndrome, and neurovascular compromise. Pain was managed effectively with [Type of Analgesia]. Physical therapy was initiated early to prevent stiffness and muscle atrophy. The patient demonstrated good compliance and progress throughout the hospital stay.

IV. Discharge Instructions

A. Medications

The patient was discharged with the following medications:

  • [Medication 1]: Dosage, frequency, route

  • [Medication 2]: Dosage, frequency, route

B. Activity

  • Weight-bearing Status: [Specify weight-bearing status]

  • Range of Motion Exercises: [Provide instructions for range of motion exercises]

  • Follow-up Appointments: [Specify follow-up appointments with orthopedic surgeon and primary care physician]

C. Wound Care

Instructions for wound care were provided to the patient and caregiver. [Specify wound care instructions]. The patient was educated on signs of infection and advised to seek medical attention if any concerns arise.

V. Follow-up Plan

The patient is scheduled for a follow-up appointment with [Your Department] on [Follow-up Date] for evaluation of fracture healing and functional assessment. Referrals to other specialties, such as physical therapy or occupational therapy, have been made as indicated.

VI. Final Disposition

The patient was discharged home in stable condition with appropriate support and resources in place for continued recovery and rehabilitation. [Your Name], [Your Department], certifies the accuracy of this summary.


[Your Name]


[Your Hospital Name]


[Your Department]



VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, the discharge of [Patient's Name] marks a significant milestone in their recovery journey from the [Type of Fracture] fracture. The comprehensive care provided by [Your Hospital Name], led by [Admitting Physician] and supported by the interdisciplinary team, has facilitated a successful outcome. Moving forward, [Patient's Name] will continue to require diligent follow-up and rehabilitation to optimize functional outcomes and ensure long-term healing.

As [Your Name], representing [Your Department], I affirm the accuracy and completeness of this discharge summary. We remain committed to providing ongoing support and care for [Patient's Name] as they progress towards full recovery.

Summarized By: [YOUR NAME]

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