Nursing Home Dietary Services Compliance Checklist

Nursing Home Dietary Services
Compliance Checklist

This checklist must be completed daily to ensure adherence to our dietary standards and regulations. Submit the completed checklist to the designated supervisor at the end of each day.

Food Storage Compliance



Are all food items stored at the correct temperature?

Are food storage areas clean and free from contamination?

Are all food items properly labeled with expiry dates?

Is there a clear separation of raw and cooked foods?

Food Preparation Compliance



Are all kitchen staff wearing appropriate and clean uniforms including hats and gloves?

Are cutting boards and utensils being used and sanitized properly between tasks?

Are food preparation areas clean and well maintained?

Is there a log of temperatures taken during food preparation to ensure proper cooking?

Meal Service Compliance



Are dietary restrictions and preferences of residents being accurately followed?

Is there a procedure in place for tracking resident satisfaction with meals?

Are meals served on time according to the daily schedule?

Are all utensils and serving dishes clean and in good condition?

Safety and Sanitation Compliance



Is there an up-to-date Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) available and accessible in the kitchen area?

Are all chemical cleaners and sanitizers stored away from food preparation areas?

Are fire extinguishers and other safety equipment regularly inspected and accessible?

Are pest control measures in place and effective?

Training and Documentation



Have all kitchen staff completed their required health and safety training?

Is there proper documentation of staff training and certifications on file?



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