Free Oath Or Affirmation Notary Form Template



Free Oath Or Affirmation Notary Form Template

Oath Or Affirmation Notary Form

I. Introduction

This document serves as an official [YOUR NAME] template for administering oaths or affirmations for deeds and contracts. It is intended to ensure compliance with legal requirements and to facilitate the proper execution of legal documents.

II. Parties Involved

  1. [Client Name]: The individual making the sworn statement.

  2. [YOUR NAME]: The authorized notary public administering the oath or affirmation.

III. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to solemnize the statements and promises made by the [Client Name] in connection with the execution of deeds and contracts.

IV. Sworn Statement

I, [Client Name], do hereby solemnly swear/affirm that:

  • I am of legal age and competent to make this statement.

  • The statements and promises made herein are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

  • I understand the legal implications of this sworn statement and acknowledge that any false statements may subject me to penalties under the law.

V. Notary Acknowledgment

I, the undersigned [YOUR NAME], do hereby certify that the foregoing sworn statement was administered and subscribed before me on the date indicated by [Client Name].

VI. Conclusion

This Notary Template for Deeds and Contracts is hereby executed to authenticate the sworn statement made by the [Client Name] in the presence of the [YOUR NAME].

[Client Name]


Notary Public Name: [YOUR NAME]


Notary Seal (if applicable): [SEAL]

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