Free HR Compliance Risk Assessment Template


Created by: [YOUR NAME]



I. Employee Hiring

  • Ensure the application process complies with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) standards.

  • All interviews are conducted ethically and legally.

  • Background checks are performed (where required) in accordance to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

  • All new employees fill out the [JOB APPLICATION FORM] correctly and completely.

II. Training

  • All employees are trained in health and safety regulations.

  • Training on company policies is provided and understood by all employees.

  • All new hires receive the required orientation and training.

  • Continued professional development and training are being promoted in the company.

III. Compensation

  • Compensation practices are in line with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

  • Equal work receives equal pay without any discrimination.

  • All employees are paid at least the minimum wage.

  • The company follows proper procedures for overtime pay.

IV. Termination Procedures

  • The company follows a standard, documented procedure for employee termination.

  • Terminated employees receive their final pay under [STATE LAW].

  • Employee exit interviews are conducted for every outgoing employee.

  • The company follows regulations on continuation of health coverage (COBRA) where applicable.

V. General HR Compliance

  • All HR activities comply with federal, state, and local labor laws.

  • The company complies with discrimination laws in all employment practices.

  • The company has an updated [EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK] that is compliant with all labor regulations.

VI. Completion Assurance

I, [YOUR NAME], in the capacity of [YOUR POSITION] at [YOUR COMPANY NAME], confirm that this checklist was followed to mitigate potential legal risks and promote a compliant HR culture.

[Your Name]

Compliance Officer

Date: [Insert Date]

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