Notary Affidavit For Legal Heir Certificate

Notary Affidavit for Legal Heir Certificate

I. Introduction

This Notary Affidavit for Legal Heir Certificate serves as a formal declaration and verification of the legal heirs of the deceased individual named herein. The following affidavit is created to establish the rightful heirs entitled to the estate and assets of the deceased by applicable laws and regulations. The information provided in this document is crucial for legal and administrative purposes related to the settlement of the deceased's estate.

II. Personal Details

The personal details of the Legal Heir are mentioned below:


Relationship with the Deceased

Date of Birth

[Heir 1 Name]


[Date of Birth]

[Heir 2 Name]


[Date of Birth]

[Heir 3 Name]


[Date of Birth]

III. Details of the Deceased

The details of the Deceased are as mentioned below:

Deceased's Name:

[Deceased's Name]

Date of Death:

[Date of Death]

Place of Death:

[Place of Death]

Last Known Address:

[Last Known Address]

IV. Affirmation Statement

I, [Affiant's Full Legal Name], do solemnly affirm and declare as under:

  1. The facts that have been stated within this document are ones that I am thoroughly familiar with and acquainted with.

  2. That the above-named legal heirs are the only heirs entitled to the estate of the deceased person mentioned above.

  3. That the information provided about the legal heirs is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

  4. That there are no other legal heirs entitled to the estate of the deceased besides those mentioned herein.

  5. I completely understand the legal ramifications associated with this specific affidavit and affirm that every detail provided in it is entirely truthful and unaltered.

V. Notary Details

I, [YOUR NAME], Notary Public officially confirm the issuance of this certified document. On [Date], the affiant or declarant, familiar to me in my capacity as a Notary Public, willingly took an oath, officiated by myself, confirming their identity as legally associated with the document. The affiant, being present and seriously swearing confirmed that the document, including all assertions, claims, testimonials, and references within, accurately represents their knowledge and truth to the best of their ability. This document represents a truthful representation of the affiant and any information enclosed.

VI. Witness Details

Name: [Witness Name]

Address: [Witness Address]

VII. Signature of Notary

Name: [Notary Public Name]

Date: [Date of Notarization]

Notary Seal:
[Attach Notary Seal Here]

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