School Club Meeting Minutes

School Club Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Club Name:

Book Club

Meeting Date:

April 15, 2050

Meeting Time:

3:00 PM

Meeting Location:

Room 101, Main Library

Prepared by:



  • Daniel Anderson

  • Jane Smith

  • Emma Johnson

  • Liam Williams

  • John Reynolds

I. Call to Order:

  • Time Called to Order: 3:05 PM

  • Presiding Officer: Jane Smith, Club President

  • Confirmation of quorum with all members present.

II. Approval of Minutes:

  • Minutes from Last Meeting March 15, 2050 were approved as read.

III. Old Business:

  • Reading Challenge Progress: Emma Johnson updated the challenge status, noting that over 75% of members met their reading goals for the month.

  • Fundraiser Book Sale: Liam Williams reported a collection of $300 from the last sale and discussed the next book sale scheduled for May 2050.

IV. New Business:

A. Proposals for New Activities:

  • Proposed by John Reynolds:

    • Introduction of a monthly guest speaker series focusing on contemporary authors.

    • Members showed strong interest and requested further planning.

B. Voting on Proposals:



Initiate a guest speaker series

Passed unanimously

C. Assignment of Responsibilities:


Assigned to

Coordination of guest speaker series

Jane Smith

Organization of next book sale

Liam Williams

V. Reports:

A. Treasurer’s Report:

  • Presenter: Emma Johnson

    • Current Funds: $450

    • Recent Expenditures: $150 (new books for the club library)

    • Projected Costs: Discussed and approved for upcoming events.

B. Committee Reports:

  • Event Planning Committee:

    • Jane Smith outlined the schedule for upcoming guest speakers and discussed promotional efforts and venue bookings.

VI. Announcements:

  • Next Meeting: May 15, 2050 at 3:00 PM Room 101, Main Library.

  • Reminder to all members to bring a friend to the next meeting as part of a membership drive.

VII. Adjournment:

  • Motion to Adjourn: Moved by Emma Johnson and seconded by Jane Smith.

  • Time Adjourned: 4:30 PM

Minutes Prepared By: [YOUR NAME]
Approval Date: To be approved on May 15, 2050

-End of Meeting Minutes-

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