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Executive Assistant SOP

Executive Assistant SOP


I. Purpose

The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to provide guidelines and instructions for executive assistants to effectively manage executive calendars, appointments, and meetings within [Your Company Name]. By following this SOP, executive assistants will ensure efficient scheduling and coordination of the executive's time, thereby supporting smooth operations and maximizing productivity.

II. Scope

This SOP applies to all executive assistants responsible for managing the calendars, appointments, and meetings of executives within[Your Company Name].

III. Responsibilities

Executive Assistant:

  • Maintain and update the executive's calendar regularly.

  • Schedule appointments and meetings according to the executive's availability and preferences.

  • Coordinate with internal and external stakeholders to schedule meetings.

  • Provide timely reminders and confirmations for upcoming appointments and meetings.


  • Provide accurate information regarding availability, preferences, and priorities to the executive assistant.

  • Notify the executive assistant of any changes or cancellations to scheduled appointments or meetings.

IV. Procedure:

A. Calendar Management

  • Access the executive's calendar management system (e.g., Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar).

  • Review the existing appointments and meetings to ensure accuracy and completeness.

  • Update the calendar with any new appointments, meetings, or changes requested by the executive.

  • Label appointments and meetings with relevant details, including date, time, location, attendees, and agenda.

  • Regularly sync the executive's calendar with other team members or departments to avoid scheduling conflicts.

B. Appointment Scheduling

  • Communicate with the executive to determine availability and scheduling preferences.

  • Use the executive's preferred method of communication (e.g., email, phone) to schedule appointments.

  • Provide options for appointment times based on the executive's availability and priorities.

  • Confirm the appointment details with the executive and any necessary attendees.

  • Send calendar invites or meeting requests to all relevant parties and ensure they are accurately reflected in the executive's calendar.

C. Meeting Coordination

  • Receive meeting requests from internal and external stakeholders.

  • Check the executive's availability and preferences for meeting times.

  • Coordinate with attendees to schedule meetings at mutually convenient times. Provide meeting agendas and necessary materials to attendees in advance.

  • Confirm meeting details with the executive and all attendees, including date, time, location, and agenda.

  • Ensure meeting rooms or virtual conferencing tools are reserved and set up as needed.

V. Documentation

Maintain accurate records of all appointments, meetings, and scheduling communications for reference and future planning purposes.

VI. Review and Approval

This SOP shall be reviewed annually by [Your Name] to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Any updates or revisions shall be approved by [Your Company Name] before implementation.

VII. Training

All executive assistants shall receive training on this SOP upon onboarding and shall receive refresher training as needed to ensure compliance and proficiency in calendar, appointment, and meeting management.

VIII. References

  • [Your Company Name] Employee Handbook

  • [Your Company Name] Calendar Management Policy

  • [Your Company Name] Communication Protocols

IX. Revision History

  • Version 1.0: April 1, 2050 - Initial SOP created.

  • Version 1.1: May 15, 2050 - Updated responsibilities section to clarify roles.

X. Approval

Approved By:

[Your Company Name]

[Date Signed]


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