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Interview Process SOP

Interview Process Standard Operating Procedure

I. Purpose

This Standard Operating Procedure, also known as SOP, has been meticulously designed and put into place to ensure that there is a fair and consistent approach when it comes to conducting interviews within the organization of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. Its main objective is to make sure every interview is conducted impartially, eliminating any room for bias or unfair treatment, thereby ensuring each prospective candidate is given a fair and uniform opportunity throughout their interview process.

II. Scope

The procedures mentioned herein apply to every individual who is involved in the process of conducting interviews at the establishment known as [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

III. Responsibilities

A. [Your Department] - Describe the responsibilities of the department overseeing the interview process.

B. Interview Panel - Define the roles and responsibilities of each member of the interview panel, including interviewers, HR representatives, and any other relevant personnel.

IV. Procedure

A. Interview Preparations

  1. Review job descriptions and requirements.

  2. Review resumes and applications of those scheduled for interview.

  3. Prepare a set of standard questions that are closely related to the job requirements.

B. Conducting the Interview

  1. Begin by explaining the interview process to the candidate.

  2. Use the standard set of questions to assess each candidate's skills and qualifications.

  3. Provide the candidate with an opportunity to ask questions.

C. Post Interview

  1. Discuss and evaluate each candidate's responses with the panel.

  2. Document and retain all records related to the interview process.

V. Evaluation and Selection

  1. Define the criteria used for evaluating candidates and scoring their performance.

  2. Describe how the interview panel reaches a consensus on candidate selection.

  3. Explain the process for providing feedback to candidates after the interview.

VI. Offer and Onboarding

  1. Detail the steps for extending job offers to selected candidates.

  2. Outline the onboarding process for new hires, including paperwork and orientation.

VII. Document Control

Version Control

Specify how updates to the SOP will be managed and communicated.

Record Keeping

Describe how interview records and documentation will be stored and maintained.

VIII. Revision History

  • Review Frequency: The SOP should be reviewed annually or following any major changes within the department.

  • Revision History: A log of changes made to the SOP for tracking and reference purposes.

Revision Number


Description of Changes

Revised By



Initial Creation of SOP




Updates to reflect changes in [PROCESS/REGULATIONS].


IX. Approval




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