Sunday School Meeting Minutes

Sunday School Meeting Minutes




1:00 PM


Church Hall

Committee Chair:

Jamie Smith

Minutes Prepared by:



  • Alice Johnson, Committee Member

  • Bob Harris, Committee Member

  • Clara Davis, Committee Member

  • David Lee, Committee Member


  • Emily Wright, Committee Member (excused)

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 PM by Committee Chair, Jane Smith.

II. Approval of Previous Minutes

The minutes from the previous meeting held on March 10, 2050, were reviewed.

  • Motion: Proposed by Alice Johnson

  • Seconded: by Bob Harris

  • Outcome: Approved with minor amendments

III. Curriculum Development and Planning

Narrative Overview:

The committee focused on developing the curriculum for the upcoming quarter, aiming to enhance both educational and spiritual growth for different age groups.

Key Curriculum Themes:

  • Age Group 4-7: Exploring Biblical stories through interactive play

  • Age Group 8-12: Learning moral lessons from the New Testament

  • Teens: Discussing contemporary issues through a Biblical perspective

Activities Planned:



Activity Suggested

Responsible Person

First Week


Art and Craft Session

Clara Davis

Second Week


Role-playing Game

David Lee

Third Week

Leadership in the Bible

Group Discussion

Bob Harris

Fourth Week

Modern-Day Heroes

Video Presentation

Alice Johnson

IV. Resource Allocation

Discussion on Resources Needed:

  • Materials for Art and Crafts: Detailed budget discussion led by Clara Davis.

  • Audio-Visual Equipment for Presentations: Proposal for technological upgrades by David Lee.

Decisions Made:

  • Budget Allocation: Approval of a preliminary budget for new materials.

    • Motion by: Bob Harris

    • Seconded by: Alice Johnson

    • Vote: Unanimously approved

V. Volunteer Coordination and Training

Volunteer Needs:

  • Discussion on the need for more volunteers for the planned activities.

  • Setting dates for training sessions for new volunteers.

Volunteer Training Agenda:

  • Date: May 5, 2050

  • Topics:

    • Classroom management

    • Effective teaching techniques

    • Safety and first aid

VI. Set Next Meeting Date and Agenda

  • Next Meeting Date: May 12, 2050

  • Preliminary Agenda Items:

    • Evaluation of the first week's activities

    • Review of feedback from volunteer training sessions

VII. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM by Jamie Smith. All members agreed to reconvene on May 12, 2050.

Document Approval:

  • Prepared by: [YOUR NAME] Secretary

  • Reviewed and Approved by: Jamie Smith, Committee Chair

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