Monthly School Meeting Minutes

Monthly School Meeting Minutes

I. Meeting Details

1.1 Meeting Date and Time: [April 10, 2050] at [9:00 AM]

1.2 Location: [School Conference Room]

1.3 Chair: [Dr. Emily Johnson]

1.4 Secretary: [Your Name]

II. Agenda

2.1 Approval of Agenda: The agenda for the meeting was reviewed and approved.

2.2 Review of Previous Meeting Minutes: The minutes from the [March 15, 2050] meeting were reviewed.

III. Matters Arising from Last Meeting

  • Follow-up discussion on the school fundraiser progress.

  • Planning for the upcoming field trip to the science museum.

IV. New Business

  • Discussion on implementing a new after-school tutoring program.

  • Vote on the theme for the upcoming school talent show.

V. Reports

5.1 Principal: Principal Jones provided an update on upcoming school events and initiatives.

5.2 Teachers:

  • [Mr. Smith] discussed the progress of the math curriculum update.

  • [Ms. Brown] shared insights on the upcoming parent-teacher conferences.

5.3 Parents: No parent representative present.

5.4 Board Members: Board Member Mr. David Brown shared updates on budget allocations for school improvements.

VI. Action Items from This Meeting

Action Item

Person Responsible

Due Date

Organize tutoring program details

[Ms. Sarah Smith]

[April 30, 2050]

Confirm talent show theme

[Your Name]

[April 20, 2050]

Prepare budget proposal

[Mr. David Brown]

[May 15, 2050]

VII. Next Meeting

7.1 Date and Time: [May 5, 2050] at [10:00 AM]

7.2 Location: [School Library]

VIII. Adjournment

8.1 Time of Adjournment: [10:45 AM]

8.2 Proposed by: [Ms. Lisa Jones]

8.3 Seconded by: [Mr. David Brown]

Minutes Compiled by: [Your Name], [Administrative Department]

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