ITAR Compliance Checklist

ITAR Compliance Checklist

I. Compliance Overview

Objective: Ensure that [YOUR COMPANY NAME] adheres to all relevant ITAR regulations and requirements.

Responsible Party: [YOUR NAME], ITAR Compliance Officer

Date of Last Review: [DATE]

Next Scheduled Review: [NEXT REVIEW DATE]

II. Regulatory Compliance

1. ITAR Registration

  • Verify that [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is registered with the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC).

  • Monitor registration renewal dates and ensure timely renewal.

2. Classification of Items and Services

  • Classify all items and services to be exported under ITAR.

  • Ensure accurate and up-to-date commodity jurisdiction (CJ) determinations.

3. Licensing

  • Obtain necessary licenses or exemptions for ITAR-controlled items and services.

  • Monitor license expiration dates and renewal requirements.

III. Recordkeeping and Documentation

1. Record Retention

  • Maintain accurate records of ITAR-controlled transactions, including exports, transfers, and disclosures.

  • Ensure compliance with record retention requirements specified under ITAR.

2. Documentation

  • Prepare and maintain documentation supporting ITAR compliance efforts.

  • Regularly review and update compliance documentation as needed.

IV. Training and Awareness

1. Employee Training

  • Conduct ITAR compliance training for employees involved in export activities.

  • Maintain records of training attendance and completion.

2. Awareness Programs

  • Raise awareness about ITAR compliance requirements across the organization.

  • Provide updates on changes in ITAR regulations and compliance practices.

V. Security Measures

1. Physical Security

  • Implement physical security measures to protect ITAR-controlled items and information.

  • Conduct regular security assessments and audits.

2. Cybersecurity

  • Implement cybersecurity measures to protect ITAR-related data and systems.

  • Monitor and update cybersecurity protocols to address emerging threats.

VI. Audits and Monitoring

1. Internal Audits

  • Schedule regular internal audits to review ITAR compliance practices and procedures.

  • Document findings and implement corrective actions as necessary.

2. Third-Party Audits

  • Engage external auditors to validate ITAR compliance annually or as required.

  • Review and act on recommendations from external audits.

VII. Non-Compliance Response Plan

  • Establish procedures for addressing ITAR non-compliance issues.

  • Document and report any instances of non-compliance, along with corrective actions taken.

Remember to regularly review and update this checklist to ensure ongoing compliance with all relevant ITAR regulations and requirements. Compliance is an evolving process, and staying informed is key to protecting [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

VIII. Signature

By signing below, you acknowledge that you have reviewed and understand the contents of this ITAR compliance checklist.

ITAR Compliance Officer


Date: [DATE]

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