Charity Board Meeting Minutes

Charity Board Meeting Minutes









I. Opening

  • The meeting was called to order at [TIME] by Chairperson [CHAIRPERSON'S NAME].

  • A quorum was established with all board members present.

II. Approval of Previous Minutes

  • The minutes of the previous board meeting held on [DATE], were reviewed and approved unanimously as recorded.

III. Discussion of Charitable Events

  • The board discussed upcoming charitable events, including:

    • Spring Charity Gala: Scheduled for May 10th, 2050, at the Grand Ballroom.

      • Objective: Raise funds for local homeless shelters and community outreach programs.

    • Summer Fun Run: Tentatively planned for July 15th, 2050, at City Park.

      • Objective: Promote health and fitness while raising awareness and funds for childhood education initiatives.

    • Holiday Toy Drive: Planning to kick off in November 2050.

      • Objective: Collect toys and gifts for underprivileged children during the holiday season.

IV. Financial Report

  • Treasurer [TREASURER'S NAME] presented the financial report, highlighting:

    • Total funds available: $50,000

    • Budget vs. actuals for previous events: Spring Gala expenses were within budget, resulting in a surplus of $10,000 for future events.

    • Funds raised and expenses incurred for ongoing projects: Summer Fun Run sponsorship commitments total $15,000; expenses estimated at $8,000.

V. Event Planning and Logistics

  • Subcommittees provided updates on event planning progress, covering:

    • Venue arrangements: Spring Gala venue confirmed; negotiations ongoing for Summer Fun Run venue.

    • Volunteer recruitment: Volunteer sign-up forms distributed; recruitment drive underway.

    • Marketing and promotion strategies: Social media campaign launched; flyers and posters in production.

    • Sponsorship and donor engagement: Sponsorship packages finalized; outreach to potential sponsors ongoing.

VI. Action Items

Action Item

Assigned to

Coordinate with vendors for Spring Gala catering and décor.


Finalize route and logistics for Summer Fun Run; secure necessary permits.


Follow up with potential sponsors for Summer Fun Run sponsorship commitments.


VII. Next Meeting

  • The next board meeting is scheduled for [DATE], at [TIME], preceding the Spring Charity Gala.

VIII. Adjournment

  • There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at [TIME].

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

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