Internal Complaint Committee Meeting Minutes

Internal Complaint Committee Meeting Minutes

Prepared by


Meeting Date and Time


Meeting Location





  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call and Confirmation of Quorum

  3. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes

  4. Discussion of Current Complaint(s)

  5. Decision and Action Items

  6. New Business

  7. Adjournment

  8. Next Meeting

Meeting Minutes

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at [START TIME] by [CHAIRPERSON'S NAME], Chairperson of the Internal Complaint Committee.

2. Roll Call and Confirmation of Quorum

A roll call was conducted, and it was confirmed that all members were present, constituting a quorum.

3. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the previous Internal Complaint Committee meeting held on [LAST MEETING DATE], were reviewed. [HR REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME] motioned to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by [EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME]. The minutes were unanimously approved.

4. Discussion of Current Complaint(s)

The committee discussed the complaint filed by [COMPLAINANT'S NAME] regarding alleged harassment by a colleague. The details of the complaint, including statements from both parties and any relevant evidence, were reviewed.

5. Decision and Action Items


Action Item

Conduct a thorough investigation into the allegations.

HR representative to initiate the investigation process and designate an investigator.

Provide support and counseling services to the complainant.

HR representative to arrange for counseling sessions for [COMPLAINANT'S NAME].

Notify the accused employee and schedule a meeting to gather their response.

HR representative to inform the accused employee and coordinate the meeting.

6. New Business

No new business was discussed.

7. Adjournment

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at [END TIME] by [CHAIRPERSON'S NAME], Chairperson of the Internal Complaint Committee.

8. Next Meeting

The next Internal Complaint Committee meeting is scheduled for [NEXT MEETING DATE].

Prepared by


Approved By


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