Church Finance Committee Meeting Minutes

Church Finance Committee Meeting Minutes


April 18, 2052

Time Started:

7:00 PM


St. Arnold's Church Conference Room

Prepared by:



  • Brian Poole (Chairman)

  • Margarette Townsend (Treasurer)

  • [YOUR NAME] (Secretary)

  • Anne Davis (Member)

  • Michael Wilson (Member)

  • Hannah Randall (Member)

  • Trisha Andrews (Member)


  • Emily Moore (Member)


The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Chairman Brian Poole.

Approval of Previous Minutes:

The minutes from the previous meeting held on March 18, 2024, were approved as distributed.

Agenda Items:

  1. Review of Financial Audit Report

    • Presenter: Margarette Townsend, Treasurer

    • Discussion:

      • Margarette Townsend presented the audit report, which covered the fiscal year 2051.

      • Key findings and recommendations were discussed, including discrepancies in donation records and suggestions for more stringent financial controls.

    • Decisions Made:

      • Agreed to implement new software for tracking donations.

      • Approved the formation of a subcommittee to oversee the implementation of audit recommendations.

    • Action Items:

      • Henry Young to procure software options by May 5, 2052

      • Anne Davis and Michael Wilson to serve on the subcommittee.

  2. Past Financial Decisions Review

    • Presenter: [YOUR NAME], Secretary

    • Discussion:

      • Reviewed financial decisions made in the previous year, focusing on budget allocations for community outreach programs and building maintenance.

      • Examined the alignment of these expenditures with the church’s long-term financial strategy.

    • Decisions Made:

      • Confirmed the decisions were aligned with the church’s mission and financial health.

    • Action Items:

      • No immediate actions required; continue to monitor expenditures as per the established budget.

Financial Statement Overview:

  • Prepared By: Margarette Townsend Treasurer

  • Highlights:


    Budgeted Amount

    Spent Amount


    Community Outreach



    $200 under

    Building Maintenance



    $200 over

    General Administration



    $250 under

Next Meeting:

Schedule Date:

May 18, 2052


7:00 PM


St. Arnold's Church Conference Room


Time Ended:

8:45 PM

Minutes Prepared by:


Minutes Approved by:

Brian Poole

Meeting Minutes Templates @